II Timothy 2:15
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Modern Day Bible Translation Versions.

We Use The King James Version.
Man does not preserve God’s word, God preserves his word by the Holy Spirit.
Psalms 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.

God breathed the word of God and men wrote down what God told them to write by the spirit of God.
II Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
Romans 10:17, So then Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

In the last 20th century there have been several Bible translation versions that were printed in order to make the Bible more readable to the average person who had difficulty understanding God’s word.
No single English translation will ever represent the original Biblical languages perfectly because the Bible's ancient languages do not function like English.
A word in Hebrew, Greek, or Aramaic might not have an exact English word to match.
The first English translation was the Tyndale Bible translated directly from the Hebrew and Greek texts, although it relied heavily upon the Latin Vulgate and Luther's German New Testament.
In 1535 the first complete Bible in English was printed by Miles Coverdale. Coverdale translated Old Testament passages Tyndale had not yet translated and used Tyndale's work for the remainder.
In 1604 King James authorized an English translation of the Bible and in 1611 it was completed.
The King James Version Bible used the Textus Receptus version of the Greek text compiled by Erasmus and for the Old Testament the Masoretic text of the Hebrew was used; for some of the apocrypha, the Septuagint Greek text was also used, The translators also relied on the Tyndale and Wycliff translations.
The Geneva Bible published in 1560 from the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures was also influential in the Authorized King James Version.
The Geneva Bible was translated from scholarly editions of the Greek New Testament and Hebrew Scriptures and was also based on earlier translations by William Tyndale and Miles Coverdale. It is believed the Geneva Bible is very close to the original text and that the Authorized King James Version is nearly word-for-word identical to it.
Since the first release of the KJV in 1611, there have been several revisions to correct printing errors and changes in spelling. The most revised edition used today is the one from 1769.
In 1881 the KJV was revised again to adapt the King James Version to the present state of the English language without changing the idiom and vocabulary and to adapt it to the present standard of Biblical scholarship.
I cannot express enough that God preserves His word and not man. The King James Version Bible is the most published Bible in the world for the last 400 years since the printing press was invented.

History Of The Bible.

The King James Version (KJV) is the only acceptable Bible translation as it is the only translation that gives the complete word of God without any omissions.
It Has Stood The Test Of Time. It is the only translation that has taken the gospel of Christ to the entire world to fulfill the Great Commission.
That fact alone proves that it is an intricate part of the preserved word of God, preserved by God.
God is in complete control of His word, not man.

The King James Bible is also the book that spread the English language around the world.

The proof of the KJV's validity is in John 6:47.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth “ON ME” hath everlasting life.

If you compare this verse with all the other modern Bible translation versions, the other Bible versions leave out “ON ME”.

Important Note: The Coverdale Bible, the Wycliff Bible, the Tyndale Bible, The Gutenberg Bible, The Great Bible, The Geneva Bible and the King James Bible all include “ON Me” in their translation of John 6:47.


Let’s Compare The Bible Translation Versions.
The New International Version (NIV) for example says, Very truly I tell you, the one who believes has eternal life.

The NIV leaves out “ON ME”. “The one who believes has eternal life”. That is the same as leaving out Jesus.
Believes what? By leaving out “on me” leaves the reader to speculate or wonder who or what to believe in to have eternal life.
That leaves the door open for confusion.

The same is true with all the other Bible translation versions that leave out “ON ME” in John 6:47.
This is just one example.

Let’s take another example. In the KJV Daniel 3:25 says, He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.
Notice the phrase, “is like THE SON OF GOD”.
Now let’s compare Daniel 3:25 with the NIV.
The NIV says, He said, Look, I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.
The NIV says, “a son of the gods”. In fact all the other translation versions say “a son of the gods”.
Jesus is not “a son of the God’s”. Jesus is God and the son of the ONLY ONE TRUE GOD.
This is a major distortion of God’s word and is another reason why the KJV is the ONLY acceptable translation version.

With so many Bible translation versions it only causes confusion to the reader.
God is not the author of confusion, Satan is.
Therefore all these Bible translation version that cause confusion is of Satan.
It is why people have a hard time believing the word of God because of all the translation discrepancies.

Many of the new Bible translation versions completely leave out passages of scripture and to change one word can change the meaning of scripture all together.

There is a new translation version called “The Passion Translation “, TPT.
The creator of this translation version claims that God called him up into heaven to give him this translation version.
He also claims that God gave him another book of the Bible.
Anyone who knows the word of God knows this to be false and a lie.
It also leaves out “ON ME” in John 6:47.
The only conclusion is that this translation like many of the others is of Satan.

Satan knows the word of God better than any person who has ever lived.
Satan used and twisted scripture to tempt Jesus in the wilderness.
The same is true how Satan uses scripture today to confuse those who are ignorant of God’s word.
We see this as being true in many of today’s denominations.

The King James Version (KJV) was translated in 1605 to 1611 from the Tyndale, Wycliff, Geneva Bible and from the original Koine Greek, Hebrew and Arabic text and was later revised in 1881.
If you will read the history behind the King James Version Bible you will understand why it is the acceptable translation version of the Bible.
Many people have tried to discredit the KJV and have also made false claims concerning King James himself. All these false accusations have been proven to be untrue by history.

The KJV has stood the test of time and is in conjunction with Psalms 12:7.
I cannot express this enough. God is in control of His word, not man.

The fact that the King James Version Bible was responsible for fulfilling the Great Commission to take the gospel to the world is enough for me to understand that God had His hand on the KJV. No other Bible translation can make that claim.