II Timothy 2:15
Study To Show Thyself Approved Unto God,
A Workman That Needeth Not To Be Ashamed,
Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth.

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The The True Birthday Of Jesus
According To The Bible.
By Michael S Brumlow

© Copyright 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations imbodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
For permission request, write to, Michael S Brumlow at truebirthdayofjesus@gmail.com. Published By, Temple Bible Studies
This book is dedicated in memory of my parents, Thomas and Janette Brumlow for teaching me to have a deep love and understanding of God’s word.
To my brothers Eddy, James and Chris. Also, to my son Alex and to my two daughters, Rebecca and Mallory

Chapter 1.
The Birthday Of Jesus.

The birthday of Jesus is the most important day on God’s calendar, other than the day Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again on the third day. In fact, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is the very purpose for which Jesus was born. To atone for the sins of the world.
The two most important and holy events on God’s calendar are the Day of Atonement and the time of Passover of which both represent Jesus.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and on the sixth day God created man in His own image, Genesis chapter 1.
When God saw the man Adam was lonely, He created a help mate for the man, the woman Eve.
God told Adam and Eve they could eat of every tree in the garden except not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
God said in the day that you eat from that tree you will surely die.
God was testing the obedience of Adam and Eve because God had a purpose and a plan. Surely God knew both Adam and Eve would disobey and bring sin and death into God’s perfect world and creation.

Since the beginning of time people have asked the question, why did God allow sin and death to come into His perfect world?
The answer is quite simple.
So, we would know the very essence of God’s love, which is mercy and forgiveness, God’s grace. The love and grace of God that Jesus would demonstrate on the cross shedding His blood to forgive the sins of the world. The purpose for which Jesus God’s son was born into the world in human flesh. To atone for our sins because God had a plan.
Since man’s disobedience in the garden God has put us on a journey through time all to the glory of His son Jesus. Jesus is the center point of God’s timeline and God is in control of time.

Did you know there is a verse in the Bible that gives the month and day Jesus would be born? You may be surprised when I show it to you but it is confirmed by God’s timeline from Adam to Jesus.
From God’s word I am going to give you the true birthday of Jesus, the year, the month and the day Jesus was born.

The timeline found in the Old Testament from the creation of Adam to the birth of Jesus proves the deity of Jesus as being the only begotten son of God. That God’s word is absolute truth. Only God could have written the timeline as it is laid out in the Bible. There is no other way to explain.

The true birthday of Jesus is based on the genealogy from Adam to Jesus and is confirmed by the birth story of Jesus beginning in Luke chapter 1 when the priests performed their duties in the Temple according to I Chronicles 24:7-19, especially verse 10.
There were 24 divisions of the priesthood and each division performed their duties two weeks out of the year from Sabbath to Sabbath in their regular weekly rotation. Except during the 3 high holy days when all 24 divisions served together, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) and Passover.

The birth story of Jesus begins in Luke chapter 1 with the priest Zacharias who was of the 8th division, the division of Abia (Abijah).
Zacharias performed his duties in the Temple during the month of June on the Gregorian calendar, which is the month of Tammuz on the Jewish calendar.
The Bible says in Luke chapter 1 that the angel Gabriel visited Zacharias during the time he was performing his duty in the Temple to tell him that his wife Elisabeth would conceive to have a baby who would be John the Baptist.
After serving his time in the Temple was completed. Zacharias went home as instructed by the angel and his wife Elisabeth did conceive to have a baby. This would have been in late June or early July on our Gregorian calendar.
The Bible says Elisabeth hid herself for 5 months.
In the 6th month of Elisabeth’s conception, she was visited by her cousin Mary who had just been visited by the angel Gabriel.
The angel told her she would conceive by the Holy Ghost to give birth to Jesus. This visit would be in the month of January on the Gregorian calendar and in the month of Shevat on the Jewish calendar.
When Elisabeth saw Mary, she told her the baby inside her kicked with joy. That was John the Baptist who would later baptize Jesus.

John the Baptist who was in the womb of Elisabeth recognized Jesus in the womb of Mary as the son of God and kicked with joy.
Later John would see Jesus coming to him to be baptized and would proclaim “behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world”.

I cannot express enough how important this is that John recognized Jesus as the lamb of God, even in the womb of his mother Elisabeth. This is the fulfillment of prophecy in Revelation chapter 5.

Mary conceived by the Holy Ghost in late December or early January according to Luke chapter 1 and nine months later in the month of late September on the Gregorian calendar and in the month of Tishrei on the Jewish calendar Jesus was born on the 10th day of Tishrei.
Luke chapter 1 confirms that Jesus was born in the month of late September (Tishrei).

How do we know Jesus was born on the 10th day of Tishrei?
According to the timeline in the Old Testament from the creation of Adam to the birth of Jesus is 4,000 years, 7 months and 10 days.
In the 7th month of Tishrei and on the 10th day.
How do we know Tishrei is the 7th month?
In Exodus 12:1-2 God tells Moses that the month of Nisan is the first month of the year, the month of Passover, which takes place in late March and early April on our Gregorian calendar.
Jesus was crucified in the month of Nisan at Passover.
If God told Moses the month of Nisan is the first month of the beginning of the year, then it is only reasonable that the creation was in the month of Nisan on God’s calendar, in the beginning.
Therefore the 7th month on the Hebrew calendar is Tishrei and on the Gregorian calendar it begins at the end of late September.
The timeline from Adam to Jesus points to September, the 7th month of Tishrei on the Jewish calendar and is confirmed by the birth story of Jesus in Luke chapter 1, which also points to September.

Notice the number 7 as in the 7th month of Tishrei.
The number 7 is important in reference to Jesus.
Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again on the 3rd day at Passover.
Passover is celebrated in the 1st month of Nisan (late March - Early April), which is also the feast of First Fruits.
Jesus rose again on the 3rd day of Passover becoming the First Fruits of the resurrection. God paints a beautiful picture as only God can do.

Let Me Clarify God’s Calendar.
The first month of Nisan on the Jewish calendar (God’s calendar) is in late March and early April on our Gregorian calendar putting creation at springtime.
The 7th month on the Jewish calendar is not July or even in the same month on our Gregorian calendar but is in late September and early October. The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar of 360 days.
The date of 07/10 on the Jewish calendar varies from year to year on the Gregorian calendar. Sometimes it appears in late September and sometimes in early October depending on the phase of the moon and the year.
In Leviticus 16:29-34, God told Moses that on the 10th day of the 7th month of Tishrei there was to be a sacrifice for the sins of the people.
This is the Day of Atonement which represented Jesus and it takes place in late September on our Gregorian calendar.
Rosh Hashanah means “beginning of the year”.
The term appears only once in the Bible in Ezekiel 40:1.

Rosh Hashanah which begins the new year and the Feast of Trumpets is 1 of 4 Jewish New Year and is the anniversary and celebration of the creation of Adam and Eve. A day of judgment and coronation of God as king.

Important Note:
Only Adam was created on the 6th day of creation.
God does however mention in Genesis 1 that he created male and female but in chapter 2 we find out Eve was created later from Adam’s rib.

Later in the book I will explain the timing between the creation of Adam and Eve and why the Jews celebrate Adam and Eve in the 7th month at Rosh Hashanah.

According to the Jewish calendar Rosh Hashanah occurs 163 days after the first day of Passover. It is usually determined by the new moon closest to the autumnal equinox but not always.
In terms of the Gregorian calendar, the earliest date on which Rosh Hashanah can fall is September 5th as happened in 1842, 1861, 1899, and 2013.
In 2018 Rosh Hashanah fell on September the 10th beginning on the eve of September 9th and lasted until September 11th, which means Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) was 10 days later on September 20th.
Rosh Hashanah begins with the Feast of Trumpets followed by 10 days of repentance. The Feast of Trumpets is the blowing of the shofar to welcome the coming of the Messiah and to call the people to repentance. The Day of Atonement is on the 10th day of the 7th month of Tishrei and is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.
5 days later after the Day of Atonement on the 15th day of the 7th month of Tishrei is the Feast of Tabernacles. It is a gathering of the people for a celebration to remember the goodness of God and how he brought the Hebrew children out of Egypt and bondage and provided for the needs of the people. It is a time of rest from the harvest.
The people gather in booths to remember how the Hebrew children lived in tents for 40 years in the wilderness.
The Feast of Tabernacles lasts for 7 days and then on the 8th day a sacrifice of fire is made.
According to the timeline from the creation of Adam to the birth of Jesus and confirmed by Luke chapter 1. Jesus was born on the Day of Atonement (07/10/00AD on the Jewish calendar) and he was crucified, buried and rose again on the 3rd day at Passover (01/14/33AD on the Jewish calendar).
Jesus sole purpose for being born was to atone for our sins.
Only God could have made this happen in his infinite perfection of time.

Important Note.
Twice a year the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of approximately equal length. It is called the Equinox.
This happens March 20 and September 22.
Passover is 15 days after the spring Equinox. The Equinox marks the time between Passover and the Day of Atonement.
Is it just a coincidence that Jesus was born during the Equinox of September and that he died was buried and rose again on the 3rd day 15 days after the spring Equinox on the 3rd day of April?
I don’t think so because with God there are no coincidences.
Another sign that only God could have made this happen and that God is in control.
Jesus was born at the rising sun. He was crucified and then buried at the setting sun and rose again on the 3rd day early morning at the rising sun. Even the rising and setting sun points to Jesus.
When you trace the Bible timeline you not only see how the Bible is in perfect sync with world history but that the timeline is also to the year in perfect completion. Such as the Old Testament is not 3,993 years or 4,006 years but it is exactly 4,000 years to the year.
There is no disorder to God’s timeline. The timeline is in complete order.

Chapter 2.

This Timeline Comes Straight From God's Word.

The Bible Timeline Found In The Old Testament.
The timeline from the creation of Adam to the birth of Jesus is based on the lineage and genealogy of Jesus.
Anyone can take their own Bible and trace the timeline from beginning to the end.

There are two catches and three gaps on the timeline but God clarifies the two catches and fills in the three gaps by giving the number of years in each gap.
That is amazing and proof that God is in control of His word and not man.

We trace the Bible timeline beginning with the genealogy of Adam in Genesis chapter 5 from father to son.
You can trace the beginning of the timeline from Adam to Jacob by adding the number of years of how old each father was when his son is born.

Note: The timeline is 4,000 years 7 months and 10 days which puts creation at 4000 BC.
In just a minute you are going to see why those 7 months and 10 days are so important.

The Creation Of Adam And Eve - 4000 BC.
Adam is 130 years old when Seth is born - 3870 BC.
Seth is 105 years old when Enos is born - 3765 BC.
Enos is 90 years old when Cainan is born - 3675 BC.
Cainan is 70 years old when Mahalaleel is born - 3605 BC.
Mahalaleel is 65 years old when Jared is born - 3540 BC.
Jared is 162 years old when Enoch is born - 3378 BC.
Enoch is 65 years old when Methuselah is born - 3313 BC.
Methuselah is 187 years old when Lamech is born - 3126 BC.
Lamech is 182 years old when Noah is born - 2944 BC.
Noah was 500 years old when he began to have sons in 2444 BC but Noah was 502 years old when his son Shem was born in 2442 BC, so we add 502 years to the timeline instead of 500 because the timeline goes through Shem.

Total years from the beginning to Noah’s son Shem, 1,558 years.

The time of the flood was 2344 BC, 100 years after Noah begins to have sons.
Noah’s father Lamech died 5 years before the flood.

How do we know Noah was 502 years old when Shem was born?
When you come to Noah the timeline has a catch but the Bible is specific.
Shem is listed first but Shem is the 3rd son.
Why is Shem listed first if he is the 3rd Son? Because Shem is from whom Jesus will descend.
The Bible says Noah was 500 years old when his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth are born, Genesis 5:32.
That would leave you to believe that Noah was 500 years old when Shem is born but here’s the catch.
It is not until later that the Bible reveals that Noah was 502 years old when Shem is born. This is also shown later in Genesis chapter 10 when the genealogy of Shem, Ham and Japheth are given and Japheth is listed first as the first born, then Ham and then Shem.
Noah was 600 years old at the time of the flood, Genesis 7:6. The timeline picks up in Genesis chapter 11 after the story of Noah and God’s destruction of the world by flood. The Bible says Shem was 100 years old 2 years after the flood when his son Arphaxad is born, Genesis 11:10. Which means Noah was 502 years old when Shem is born since Noah was 600 years old at the flood and then 2 years later Noah is 602 years old when Shem is 100 years old.
The Bible is remarkable. God did not leave anything out.

Shem is 100 years old when Arphaxad is born - 2342 BC.
Arphaxad is 35 years old when Salah is born - 2307 BC.
Salah is 30 years old when Eber is born - 2277 BC.
Eber is 34 years old when Peleg is born - 2243 BC.
Peleg is 30 years old when Reu is born - 2213 BC.
Reu is 32 years old when Serug is born - 2181 BC.
Serug is 30 years old when Nahor is born - 2151 BC.
Nahor is 29 years old when Terah is born - 2122 BC.
Terah is 70 years old when Abraham is born - 2052 BC.
Abraham is 100 years old when Isaac is born - 1952 BC, Genesis 21:5.
Isaac is 60 years old when Jacob is born - 1892 BC, Genesis 25:26.

The timeline from Father to son stops with Jacob but the Bible continues the timeline by saying Jacob is 130 years old when he goes down into Egypt in 1762 BC, Genesis 47:9.

Add 130 years to the timeline.
Total years from the beginning, 2,238 years.

Now we have two gaps in the timeline but the Bible fills in the gaps.
After Jacob goes down into Egypt, the Hebrew children are in Egypt 430 years until the Exodus in 1332 BC, Exodus 12:40.

Add 430 years to the timeline.
Total years from the beginning, 2,668 years.

The next gap is from the Exodus to the building of Solomon’s Temple.
The Temple is built in the 4th year of Solomon’s reign in the second month of Zif, 480 years and 1 month after the Exodus, I Kings 6:1.
The Exodus was in the month of Nisan, which is the first month of the year and the month of Passover. So, the second month Zif (Ziv) would be 1 month from the month of Nisan. 480 years and 1 month.
That 1 month is important.

Add 480 years and 1 month to the timeline.
Total years from the beginning 3,148 years and 1 month.

We pick up the timeline again at the reign of Solomon in the book of Kings and Chronicles and the Bible says how long each king reigns over Judah from king Solomon to king Jehoiachin.

Solomon reigned for 40 years but the timeline is from the exodus to the building of the Temple in the 4th year of Solomon’s reign in 852 BC, so we add 36 years to the timeline instead of 40.
Solomon begins to build the Temple 480 years and 1 month after the Exodus in the 4th year of his reign in 852 BC, I Kings 6:1.
Solomon began his reign 4 years earlier in 856 BC which means king David rules 40 years from 896 BC - 856 BC.
Solomon dies in 816 BC after a 40 years reign, 36 years after he begins to build the Temple in the 4th year of his reign.
Rehoboam reigns 17 years until 799 BC.
Abijah reigns 3 years until 796 BC.
Asa reigns 41 years until 755 BC.
Jehoshaphat reigns 25 years until 730 BC.
Jehoram reigns 8 years until 722 BC.
Ahaziah reigns 1 year until 721 BC.
Athaliah reigns 6 years until 715 BC.
Jehoash reigns 40 years until 675 BC.
Amaziah reigns 29 years until 646 BC.
Uzziah reigns 52 years until 594 BC.
Jotham reigns 16 years until 578 BC.
Ahaz reigns 16 years until 562 BC.
Hezekiah reigns 29 years until 533 BC.
Manasseh reigns 55 years until 478 BC.
Amon reigns 2 years until 476 BC.
Josiah reigns 31 years until 445 BC.
Jehoahaz reign 3 months in 445 BC.
Jehoiakim reigns 11 years until 434 BC.
Jehoiachin reigns 3 months 10 days in 434 BC.
Babylonian Captivity 434 BC.

Those 2 kings and the 6 months and 10 days are important.

Then came king Nebuchadnezzar up from Babylon and carried away king Jehoiachin and his family into Babylon and made Mattaniah king and changed his name to Zedekiah. Mattaniah was the brother of king Jehoichin’s father.
Zedekiah is not in the lineage of Jesus and is not a part of the timeline. He was appointed as king by king Nebuchadnezzar.
The timeline at this point ends with king Jehoiachin being taken captive and taken to Babylon. This is confirmed in Matthew chapter 1.
Jehoiachin is the last king of Judah in the linage of Jesus.

Total years from the beginning 3,566 years, 7 months and 10 days.

After king Jehoiachin there is another gap but the Bible fills in the gap with the 70 weeks of Daniel.

The 70 weeks of Daniel is divided into 3 parts, Daniel chapter 9.
62 weeks, 434 years from the Babylonian captivity to the birth of Jesus.

7 weeks, 49 years from the Babylonian captivity to the commandment from king Cyrus for the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple, 385 BC.
The Commandment goes forth from King Cyrus in 385 BC. By 384 BC in the year of jubilee the first group of Jews arrive in Jerusalem.

1 week, 7 years reserved for the last days, the Great Tribulation when the 3rd Temple is built and the antiChrist rules the world.
This is when the antiChrist stands in the 3rd Temple and commits the abomination of desolation prophesied by Daniel and by Jesus.

In Daniel chapter 9 verse 26 says, And after threescore and two weeks (62 weeks which is 434 years) shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself:
What does that mean? It means the timeline ended with Jesus because Jesus had no children or descendants.

The timeline is based on the lineage and genealogy of Jesus.
The timeline begins with Jesus at the creation of Adam and the timeline ends with Jesus being born. Think about that.
From the creation of Adam to the birth of Jesus.

The 62 weeks which is 434 years is from king Jehoiachin to the birth of Jesus which brings us to 00AD.

Add 434 years to the timeline.
Total Years From Adam To The Birth Of Jesus,
4000 years, 7 months and 10 days.

Why are those 7 months and 10 days so significant?
Because God told Moses in Leviticus 16:29-34, in the 7th month and on the 10th day, you are to make a blood sacrifice for the sins of the people, which is the Day Of Atonement.

Jesus Was Born On The Day Of Atone In The 7th Month of Tishrei And On The 10th Day, Leviticus 16:29-34.

Is is just a coincidence that the Old Testament Timeline ends with 7 months and 10 days?
Only God could make it happen that way.

It just fits to the year, month and day. God’s word is perfect.

NOTE: In 385 BC Cyrus the great gives the command for the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple in fulfillment of Daniels 7 weeks, which is the second part of the 70 weeks of Daniel, 49 years after the Babylonian captivity.
In 384 BC, the first return of the Hebrew people to Jerusalem from exile arrive and begin to build the wall of Jerusalem and the second temple.
20 years after the arrival of the first group of Hebrew people from exile in the year 364 BC the 2nd Temple is completed.
30 years after the 2nd Temple is completed in the year 334 BC Alexander, the great begins is conquest for world domination.

Important Note:
Jesus was of the house of David though His father Joseph who was a descendant of king Solomon, Matthew chapter 1.
However, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost but Jesus was also a descendant of king David by His mother Mary who was a descendant of king David’s son Nathan, Luke chapter 3.

Later on in the book I will explain the 70 weeks of Daniel divided into 3 parts and what it means, which is important to the timeline.
I will also explain in detail the importance of the 7 months and 10 days on the timeline and how God made it happen.
If you look at the timeline above you may have already figured it out.
It is so incredible how the timeline shows God is in control of his word and time. How the timeline reflects what God told Moses in Leviticus 16:29-34.

Let me ask you?
Is it just a coincidence that the timeline from Adam to Jesus is 4000 years 7 months and 10 days?
Or, that God told Moses in Leviticus 16:29-34, in the 7th month and on the 10th day you are to sacrifice an animal for the sins of the people, the Day of Atonement?
Or, that Jesus purpose for coming to be born was to atone for the sins of the world?
Or, that Luke chapter 1 puts the timing of Jesus birth on the calendar in late September at the time of the Day of Atonement in the 7th month of Tishrei?
Or, that Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again on the 3rd day at Passover?

Think About This.
If God had not mentioned those 10 days with king Jehoiachin and the 3 months and 10 days he reigned. We would not have the exact day on the timeline, the 10th day. Why did God mention those 10 days?
The same thing with the second month of Zif in I Kings 6:1. If God had not made a point of mentioning the second month of Zif in I Kings 6:1. Or the two kings, the one king that reigned for 3 months and the other king who reigned for 3 months and 10 days. We would not have the exact month that gives us the exact timeline of 7 months and 10 days that God told Moses in Leviticus chapter 16:29-34.
Also, remember the catch with Noah? The Bible says Noah was 500 years old when he had his 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. The Bible list Shem first which would leave you to believe that Shem was born when Noah was 500 years old. Except God clarifies it in chapters 7, 10 and 11 that Shem was actually born when Noah was 502 years old. Those 2 years that God clarified were important to put the timeline exactly to the year.
The same thing with Solomon. Solomon reigned for 40 years but God made a point to say that the timeline from the Exodus to Solomon was in the 4th year of his reign when he begins to build the Temple. So we added 36 years to the timeline instead of 40 to give us exactly 4,000 years.
Here is something else to consider. Why do you suppose God made a point to say how old each father was when his son was born from Adam to Abraham?
Or that Jacob was 130 years old when he went down into Egypt?
Also, why would God fill in three gaps with the number of years in each gap?
Or why would God make a point to say how many years each king reigned after Solomon?

How about this? The timeline countdown from Adam to the Babylonian captivity puts the year at 434 BC when you add up all the years.
The 62 weeks of Daniel, which is the first part of the 70 weeks, is exactly 434 years from the captivity to the birth of Jesus.
That would have to be the biggest coincidence of them all.
Daniel got it right to the very year. WHY? Because God told it to him.
Are all these just coincidences? Or, is it God?
There are just too many for them all to be just a coincidence.
God wanted us to know the timeline for his purpose.

People, do you see how God is alive in the truth of his word? God is in control because God has a purpose and a plan.
That ought to give you chills up your back if you are a true faith believing Christian. That God has proven by the evidence of the timeline His word is true because no man could have done it except only God. If you could possibly think that this is all just one big coincidence then you have no idea who God is.

The Old Testament Timeline is found in 7 books of the Old Testament, written by 4 separate authors who lived at different times spanning a period of 1,000 years.
There is no way these authors could have possibly conceived the timeline or collaborated with one another to write the timeline.
No one can control time, or control when someone is born or how long a king will reign. Only God could have written the timeline as it happened in time, which proves God is in control.

There is not anything in history or on the timeline that just happened by chance. It was all a part of God’s design for His glory.
The creation of Adam and Eve. Their disobedience to bring sin and death into the world. The timing of Noah and the flood. The timing of Jacob going down into Egypt. The timing of Moses and the Exodus.
The timing of Solomon building the Temple. The timing of the Babylonian captivity. All these events were by God’s design and they took place on God’s timeline to the very year, month and day as it was by His purpose and by His plan.

The same is true in the last days with the opening of the 7 seals when God brings His timeline to a close and the mystery of God is finished.
The Bible says only the Heavenly Father knows the day and the hour when Jesus will return, which proves God is in control of the timeline.
The timeline in the Old Testament proves that God wrote His word and not man. How else can you explain it?

Chapter 3.
Discovering The True Birthday Of Jesus.

A complete breakdown of the Bible timeline that proves the true birthday of Jesus and that God’s word is indeed true.
God has put us on a journey through time and on that long road he has given us signs to look for that can guide us through the trials of our faith. If you know God’s word and what signs to look for, God and his word will sustain you in your faith and believing.
Some signs are in plain sight and some signs are hidden and you must look for them, even search for them. Seek and ye shall find.

The Bible is a road map on this journey.
David said, thy word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path.
That is why it is important for you to stay in the word of God every single day.

Sometimes we can get sidetracked or even distracted on this road with things that catch our eyes and our attention but we have to stay focused and keep our eyes on the road and on Jesus. Watching for the signs God has placed in his word to guide us. If we miss one of those signs God will bring it back around again because he wants you to see all the things he has for you on this journey.

I am going to share with you the story of how I discovered in the Bible the true birthday of Jesus. One of the greatest mysteries in God’s word to be discovered.

The birthday of Jesus is based on two factors in the Bible.
The Bible timeline from Adam to Jesus based on the genealogy of Jesus and the story of Jesus birth beginning in Luke chapter 1.
Both the Bible timeline and the birth story of Jesus in Luke chapter 1 confirm each other, which is incredible because only God could have done it. It can’t be explained any other way.

There are 3 timelines in the Bible to consider.
The first is the Bible timeline found in the Old Testament from Adam to Jesus based on the lineage and genealogy of Jesus.
The second is the timeline that began with the fall of man and ends with Jesus coming in his glory when time is no more and the mystery of God is finished.
The third is the second coming of Christ to the White Throne Judgement which is the 1,000 years reign of Christ.

All 3 timelines are separate, yet all 3 timelines are linked together as 1 timeline. Just like the Trinity, one God yet 3 persons.

There are 3 beginnings on God’s timeline.
The first beginning was the creation of the world and man when God saw what he had created and it was good.
The second was when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and brought sin and death into the world to begin the mystery of God.
This is when God’s prophecy time clock start ticking.
The third beginning is when Jesus comes in his glory and sets up his kingdom to rule for a thousand years.
All 3 timelines begin with Jesus and all 3 timelines end with Jesus.
Jesus said I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Isn’t that incredible?

In this discussion we are more concerned with the timeline from Adam to Jesus found in 7 books of the Bible. The book of Genesis, the book of Exodus, the 2 books of Kings, the 2 books of Chronicles and the book of Daniel.

You cannot read God’s word and see all the symbols, parallels, representations, fulfilled prophecies, confirmations and signs and not realize the power of God’s word and that it is true.
That is what the true birthday of Jesus does. It shows that God is alive in the truth of his word and you’re going to see that when I show you how God reveals himself through the power of his word.

Jesus is the center point of the word of God.
Everything in the Bible points to Jesus.
In fact, Jesus is the word of God.
John 1:1-3. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.

Then in verse 14.
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. Truth, grace and glory.

Let me ask you.
Why would God not reveal the truth of his son Jesus’s birthday for his own glory? God is very specific about the order of his word, his commandments, his promises, his statutes, his precepts, his rituals of worship and his ordinances. God told Moses on this specific day a certain thing is to be done and this is how it is supposed to be carried out to the letter, even to the smallest detail.
That is what the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy are all about. The specifics of God’s laws and ordinances. God is specific in every detail and he never leaves anything out or by chance.
There is no more special day then the true birthday of Jesus other than the day Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again on the 3rd day to give us hope through faith. Why would God not reveal the timing of his son’s birthday in his word? He did.
The word of God reveals the timing of his death, burial and resurrection at the time of Passover and the word of God also reveals when Jesus was born to the year, the month and the day, on the Day of Atonement.
It is a very special day in God’s word and on God’s calendar.
It shows the order of God’s word and that God is in control.

There are 3 most important events in time and in the Bible.
The birth of Jesus. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
The second coming of Jesus in his glory.
The Bible reveals all 3 according to the timeline that is found in the word of God. The true birthday of Jesus is indeed in the Bible and it took me 20 years to find it but I am going to share it with you and reveal to you what no one else has ever seen before. The true birthday of Jesus according to the Bible.

It’s not complicated once you see it although it did take me 20 years to finally see it after reading it over and over again for years.
Of course, I did not see it on my own but God had to open my eyes and show it to me and only because I was persistent.
I am going to tell you the story of how I discovered the true birthday of Jesus. It’s really a remarkable story and it is kind of amusing how it took me 20 years of research but then in just 2 weeks time after I had almost given up God finally showed it to me. All in his own timing.

The theme of this story is “God has a plan”.
In 2003 when the Iraq war started, like most Americans I was watching the war unfold on TV. I begin to wonder, if we are in the last days as most Christians do believe we are indeed living in the last days.
There might be some mention of the Iraq war in Bible prophecy.
After all Iraq was Babylon the first world power under king Nebuchadnezzar. So, I started searching through the Bible prophecy
books beginning in the book of Revelation and as I am studying the books of prophecy, I found myself tracing the Bible timeline beginning with Adam in Genesis chapter 5.
I thought by tracing the Bible timeline it might give me some insight to when prophecy might be fulfilled. I wasn’t looking for the true birthday of Jesus at that time but I did realize the Bible timeline would end with Jesus. I was only interested in the year. It would be 20 years when God finally showed me the month and day Jesus was born.

The Bible timeline begins in Genesis chapter 5 with the creation of Adam. The Bible gives the age of each father when his son as born.
By adding the years of how old each father was when his son is born, we can trace the Bible timeline to the year.

Adam was 130 years old when his son Seth was born.
This is after Cain and Able and of course after the fall of man.

Adam was created in the beginning on the 6th day, so the timeline begins with Adam, in the beginning.

Let me stop right here.
The timeline is based on the genealogy from Adam to Jesus, so the timeline began with Adam on the 6th day. Not the first day of creation.

Seth was 105 years old when his son Enos is born and Enos was 90 years old when Cainan is born. Cainan was 70 years old when Mahalaleel is born and Mahalaleel was 65 years old when Jared is born. Jared was 162 years old when Enoch is born and of course we know Enoch walked with God and he did not die because God took him.

There are two people in the Bible that did not die but rather God took them up to heaven, Enoch and Elijah. I believe these are the 2 witnesses of Revelation chapter 11 because the Bible says it is appointed unto man once to die. Although, that’s another story for another time.

Enoch was 65 years old when his son Methuselah is born. Methuselah is the oldest man to have ever lived and he died at the age of 969 years old.
Methuselah was 187 years old when his son Lamech is born who was the father of Noah and he was 182 years old when Noah is born.
Lamech live all the way up until the time of the flood and he did see Noah building the ark. He died just 5 years before the flood.

When we come to Noah there is a catch.
The Bible says Noah was 500 years old when his sons Shem, Ham and Japheth are born but Shem is the 3rd born son and Japheth is the first born. We find this out later in chapter 7, chapter 10 and chapter 11.
In chapter 10 and 11 when the genealogy of the 3 sons is given Japheth is listed first, then Ham and then Shem.
So, if Shem is the 3rd born son why is he listed first?
It is because Shem is from whom Jesus will descend.

In chapter 7 the Bible says Noah is 600 years old at the time of the flood. In chapter 11 Shem is 100 years old 2 years after the flood when his son Arphaxad is born.
If Noah is 600 years old at the time of the flood, then 2 years after the flood Noah is 602 years old when Shem is 100 years old, which means Noah was 502 years old when Shem is born.
If Noah was 500 years old when he begins to have sons then Japheth must be the first born according to chapters 7, 10 and 11. Then Shem is born 2 years later when Noah is 502 years old.
So, we add 502 years to the timeline instead of 500 years.
Those 2 years are important because we are going to count down the timeline to the very year, month and day.

The Bible is remarkable. God does not leave anything out or by chance.

Shem was 100 years old when Arphaxad is born and Arphaxad was 35 years old when Salah is born.
Salah was 30 years old when his son Eber is born.
Eber was 34 years old when his son Peleg is born.
Peleg was 30 years old when his son Reu is born.
Reu was 32 years old when his son Serug is born.
Serug was 30 years old when his son Nahor is born.
Nahor was 29 years old when his son Terah is born.
Terah was 70 years old when Abraham is born.
Notice how the fathers are much younger when they start having children after the flood, most in their 30’s.
This is because God cut the life span to 120 years after the flood.
Before the flood people were living to be 700, 800 and even 900 years old.

Noah was the 10th generation from Adam yet Adam lived all the way up to the 9th generation. Adam died just before Noah was born and he was 930 years old when he died.

Adam disobeyed God and he was judged for his disobedience and died in the 9th generation. Yet God saw grace in the righteousness of Noah in the 10th generation and started over with Noah, his wife, his three sons and their three wives. We are descendants of Adam through Noah.

Now Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac is born and Isaac was 60 years old when Esau and Jacob are born.
Esau and Jacob are twins and Esau was born first but the timeline goes through Jacob as it is from Jacob that Jesus would descend.
The Bible timeline stops with Jacob in the book of Genesis but later it picks up again in the book of Exodus, then in the two books of Kings and Chronicles and then finally in the book of Daniel.
There are two catches and three gaps on the timeline but God fills in the gaps to give the years on the timeline in each gap.
Again, God is specific in his word. He doesn’t leave anything out.
Those three gaps prove the validity of God’s word and that God is in control. Think about it.

Now the Bible says Jacob is 130 years old when he goes down into Egypt and that is where the timeline leaves off in the book of Genesis.
You know the story. Jacob has 12 sons but he loves his son Joseph more than he does his other sons and 10 of the brothers are jealous of Joseph.
Benjamin is probably just a boy at this time, so he is rarely mentioned. Both Joseph and Benjamin are by Rachel whom Jacob loved.
When Jacob makes Joseph a coat of many colors that just pushes the 10 brothers over the top. So, they begin to plot how they can get rid of Joseph.

One day when they are working in the field, they see Joseph coming and they take him and throw him into a pit. They plot how they should kill him but Reuben the oldest brother tries to talk them out of killing Joseph and plans later to come back and pull Joseph out of the pit and restore him to his father Jacob.
While Reuben is gone from the other 9 brothers, they see a caravan passing by and they take Joseph out of the pit and sell him to the caravan. Joseph is taken down into Egypt where he is sold into slavery.

When Reuben gets back and finds out what his brothers have done he is very upset. He tells them, what are we going to tell our father?
So, they take Joseph’s coat of many colors and rip it into shreds.
They kill an animal and dip the shredded coat in the blood.
They take the coat to their father Jacob and they tell him that obviously Joseph has been killed by a wild animal and dragged off.
Jacob mourns for his son Joseph.

Meanwhile Joseph is on his way to Egypt because God has a plan.
God is with Joseph and he ends up in the house of Potiphar where he does very well. Except Potiphar’s wife has an eye for Joseph and tries to seduce him but Joseph is a righteous man and he runs from Potiphar’s wife. Before he can get away, she latches onto his coat and pulls it off of Joseph. She uses the coat to convince her husband that Joseph had tried to seduce her. Potiphar believes his wife and has Joseph thrown into prison.

I am telling you what. Joseph was always getting into trouble over his coat.

While in prison Joseph meets the butler and the baker of Pharaoh who have also been thrown into prison.
Both the butler and the baker have a dream of which Joseph interprets and tells the baker he will be hanged but he tells the butler that he will be restored to his duties in Pharaoh’s house.

Both interpretations come true just as Joseph said it would happen.
Joseph tells the butler, hey, remember me when you get back with Pharaoh. When the butler is released from prison and is restored to his duties, he forgets all about Joseph. He is just happy to be out of prison.

Two years go by and Pharaoh has a troubling dream that no one can interpret. The butler whose dream had been interpreted by Joseph tells Pharaoh, hey I know a guy. He was in prison with me and he interpreted my dream and it came true just as he said. Maybe he can help you too.
So, Pharaoh calls Joseph before him and tells him the dream.
Joseph tells Pharaoh there is going to be 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine. Pharaoh is so pleased and impressed with Joseph that he puts him in charge and makes him the second ruler in the land.
Joseph goes from slave to prison and now the second ruler in the land of Egypt because God has a plan.
7 years goes by and famine hits the region from Egypt to Canaan.
Jacob hears there is food in Egypt and tells his 10 sons, boys you’re going to have to go down to Egypt and get us some groceries.
So, they go down to Egypt where they meet Joseph. Joseph recognizes his brothers but they don’t recognize Joseph.
Joseph decides to have a little fun with his brothers but to make a long story short. Joseph ends up revealing himself to his brothers and there is a big family reunion. They send word back to Jacob that Joseph is alive and in fact Joseph is down here running things.
Jacob packs up the family and goes down into Egypt.
When Jacob meats the Pharaoh, Pharaoh asks him, how old are you of which Jacob replies, I am 130 years old. Genesis 47:8-9.

You can read the story of Joseph in Genesis 37-48.
It is a remarkable story and once again proves that God is in control.
Because God has a purpose and a plan.
So now I added 130 years to the timeline and in the book of Genesis that is where the timeline stops with Jacob.

At this point on the timeline the total number of years from Adam to Jacob going down into Egypt is 2,238 years when you add all the years together.

This is where there are two gaps in the timeline but God fills in the gaps.

Now the Bible says in Exodus 12:40 that the children of Israel are in Egypt for 430 years and they eventually become slaves to the Egyptians. This is a representation of being enslaved to sin and death.
The only thing the Hebrew children know of God is that He is the God of their fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

So now I added 430 years to the timeline.

After 430 years in Egypt God is ready for the Hebrew children to go home. This is where the Hebrew children are introduced to God for the very first time.

You know the story of Moses and the Exodus.
Moses sees a burning bush that is not consumed by the fire and he hears the voice of God who tells him to go to Pharaoh and tell him to let my people go.

Moses goes to Pharaoh and tells him, God said let my people go.
Pharaoh tells Moses, it’s not going to happen.
So, God through Moses sends 10 plagues to inflict the people of Egypt except the Bible says that God hardens Pharaoh’s heart not to let the people of Israel go because God has a plan.

This is where God gives a sign of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.
God tells Moses that the Hebrew children are to kill a lamb and put the blood of the lamb on the doorpost of each house. That the angel of death would come through the land of Egypt that night.
Any house that did not have the blood on the doorpost the first-born son of that household would die.
This would be called Passover because the angel of death would Passover every house that had the blood on the doorpost.
This Passover represented Jesus who would die on the cross as the lamb without blemish shedding his blood for the sins of the world that whosoever believes on Jesus the angel of death would Passover.
Remember I just told you that the 430 years the Hebrew children were enslaved in Egypt represented being enslaved to sin and death.
That slavery ended for the Hebrew children with Passover and Passover represents Jesus who would end our slavery to sin and death by his death on the cross.

Doesn’t God paint a beautiful picture?

Jesus died, was buried and rose again at Passover in the month of Nisan, which is the first month on the Jewish calendar and on the 14th day in the year 33AD.

The lamb represented Jesus. The doorpost represented the cross.
The blood of the lamb represented the blood Jesus would shed for the sins of the world. The unleavened bread the Hebrew children ate that night represented the body of Jesus without sin. The bitters they ate represented their time in slavery, which represents the bitterness of sin. This is a representation of the Lord’s supper just before Jesus was crucified and resurrected.

At this time and during Passover the Jews celebrate the feast of First Fruits. Jesus is the First Fruits of the resurrection. Isn’t that amazing?
Once again, this is proof that God is in control.
How else can you explain Jesus’s death. burial and resurrection at Passover?

Is it just a coincidence that this first Passover would represent Jesus and indeed Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again on the 3rd day at Passover in the year 33AD? Or, that the Jews celebrate the Feast of First Fruits at Passover and Jesus is the first fruits of the resurrection?

Let me say that again.
The very first Passover presided over by Moses represented Jesus and Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again on the 3rd day at Passover in the year 33AD, 2,035 years after the very first Passover.

Now if you think that is a coincidence, I don’t think so.
With God there are no coincidences because God has a specific plan and God is in control for His purpose.
That ought to just send chills up your back if you are a believer and if you are not a believer it should give you pause to think.
God is in control and God has a plan.

The next morning the people of Egypt woke up to find the first-born son of each household dead. Pharaoh was so distraught that he called for Moses and told him, get your people and get out of here.
Take whatever you want to take with you but just leave.
The Bible says they left that very same day.
I believe they were all packed up and ready to go.

After leaving Egypt the Hebrew children would wonder in the wilderness for 40 years for not trusting God. They had seen the power of God firsthand but when it came time to take the land of Canaan they were completely lacking in their faith of God. So, God made them wonder for 40 years until all the unbelievers had died out.
After 40 years God was ready for the Hebrew children to enter the promise land and take possession.

The number 40 in the Bible is the number of testing.

For the next 400 years the land of Israel was ruled by judges until the people decided they wanted a king. All the other nations around them had a king so the Hebrew children wanted a king too.
Reluctantly God gives them Saul who turns out to be a really bad king.
When God has finally had enough of Saul, he has him killed in a battle against the Philistines and David is anointed and becomes king.

David reigns for 40 years and has a son named Solomon.
Now the timeline ended with the Exodus but the timeline doesn’t pick up again until the 4th year of Solomon’s reign.
David wanted to build God a Temple but God tells David no because David was a warrior with blood on his hands. The task of building the Temple would fall upon his son Solomon.

I Kings 6:1 says in the 4th year of Solomon’s reign 480 years after the Exodus Solomon begins to build the Temple.

We know the children of Israel are in Egypt for 430 years until the Exodus and now in the 4th year of Solomon’s reign he begins to build the Temple 480 years after the Exodus. So now I add 480 years to the timeline.

This is the second gap that God fills in on the timeline.
Again, God does not leave anything out.
That should tell you something right there.

The book of Genesis leaves off with Jacob going down into Egypt when he is 130 years old.
God fills in the first gap to say that the Hebrew children are in Egypt for 430 years until the Exodus.
Then God fills in the second gap to say there are 480 years from the Exodus until the 4th year of Solomon’s reign when he begins to build the Temple.

Isn’t God just amazing not to leave anything out?
Because God wanted us to know.
Why else would God fill in the gaps to give us the years?
Just think about it.

The Exodus took place in the month of Nisan which is the first month on the Jewish calendar and it is important for you to remember that.
Remember, Nisan is the first month, the month of Passover.

The timeline picks up again after Solomon with the reign of the kings of Judah that follow Solomon and the Bible says in the books of Kings and Chronicles how long each king reigned.
The first timeline from Adam to Jacob was based on how old each father was when his son is born. Then followed by the two gaps of which God fills in the years. Now the timeline after Solomon is based on how long each king will reign over Judah from whom Jesus would descend.

Here’s a side road.
Jesus was a descendant of Judah, the 4th son of Jacob but let me just say quickly the number 4 is the number of the world in the Bible.
Now I will let think about that and see if you can figure it out to what it means. Judah was the 4th son of Jacob from whom Jesus would descend. The number 4 is the number of the world.
Just think about it. I bet you can figure it out.
It just shows how remarkable God’s word truly is.
Jesus was of the house of David and was a descendant of the kings of Judah. That right there is amazing of itself.
That’s just another side roads we’re not going to go into here.

So back to our story and the timeline.
Solomon reigned for 40 years but because the timeline before Solomon left off from the Exodus to the 4th year of Solomon’s reign.
I added 36 years to the timeline instead of 40.
This is one of those catches like with Noah.
You’ve got to really pay attention.

19 kings reign after king Solomon until the last king, king Zedekiah who reigned for 11 years. This is when King Nebuchadnezzar comes up from Babylon and takes Jerusalem.

There were two kings before king Zedekiah, one who reigned for 3 months and the other who reigned for 3 months and 10 days.
However, at this point I was only interested in the year, so I completely ignored those two kings and the 6 months and 10 days of their reign.

I wasn’t looking for the month or day and at this time and in fact I wasn’t even looking for the true birthday of Jesus. I was just tracing the timeline to get an idea of when prophecies might be fulfilled.
Later, those two kings turned out to be key to the timeline.

The timeline stopped with king Zedekiah and at this point I was stuck.
There was nowhere in the Bible after king Zedekiah that indicated a timeline. Or, so I thought.

I decided to continue my study of Bible prophecy until I came to the book of Daniel chapter 9 and the 70 weeks of Daniel.

The 70 weeks of Daniel are divided into 3 parts.
62 weeks, which are 434 years.
7 weeks, which are 49 years.
1 week, which is 7 years.

Now the 1 week which is referred to as the 70th week of Daniel is 7 years and is not a part of this timeline.
It is 7 years reserved for the last days when the antiChrist will rule the world and stand in the Temple to commit the abomination of desolation prophesied by Daniel and by Jesus. So, I completely set that week aside.

The 7 weeks were 49 years but were not significant to the timeline that would bring me to the birth of Jesus.
The 62 weeks which is 434 years was about the right amount of time I needed to complete the timeline from king Nebuchadnezzar to Jesus but it did not add up to any specific event such as the birth of Jesus or even the death burial and resurrection of Jesus. The Math just didn’t work.
It came close but was not exact to the year and as I have told you God is specific in his word. There are no around about or approximations on the timeline but God is always to the year.

I tried to add the 7 weeks to the timeline which is 49 years but the math still did not work. Then I realized that the 7 weeks which is 49 years was from the time of the captivity when king Nebuchadnezzar took Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple to the time when Cyrus the great gave the commandment that the Hebrew children should return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple.

Now we know from history that 50 years after the captivity in the year of Jubilee that the children of Israel did return but Daniel chapter 9 says “from the going forth of the commandment to return“, which would have been in the 49th year.
When Cyrus the great gave the commandment for the children of Israel to return. They didn’t just all jump on an airplane and they were there the next day. No, it took some time to pack up, decide who was going and then make the long journey back to Israel and in the 50th year they were there. As I have told you before, God is specific in His word.

So, at this point I realized that the 7 weeks was not a part of this timeline but was a timeline of its own. The return of the children of Israel back to their homeland after the captivity to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple.

Let me stop right here to say the Temple of God is key to God’s timeline. That is very important for you to understand.
It’s too much to go into here but later I will be writing a book about the 70 weeks of Daniel that explains how it relates to the Temple.

Now that just left the 62 weeks which was 434 years and just the right amount of time needed to complete the timeline but I still could not make the math work.
I knew the 62 weeks had to be a part of this timeline from Adam to Jesus because in Daniel chapter 9 it says about the 62 weeks that “the Messiah was cut off”.
At that time, I did not know what that meant “the Messiah was cut off” but now I have come to realize that it meant this timeline and the genealogy from Adam to Jesus stopped with the birth of Jesus.
Jesus did not have any children or descendants.
The timeline was cut off with Jesus. It stopped with Jesus.

The timeline in the Old Testament is based on the linage and genealogy from Adam to Jesus. It began with Adam and it ended with the birth of Jesus and with God’s promise that He would send His son to redeem the world from sin.
That was the reason for the birth of Jesus that God would redeem the world and mankind from sin and death by His son’s death on the cross.

Just A Quick Hint On The Timeline.
I had missed something important on the timeline and it would take me 20 years to see it.

Don’t Get On The Edge Of Your Seat Just Yet.
It’s About To Get Good But Just Hold On.

Now because I could not make the math work, I decided to put the timeline on the shelf and just concentrate on Bible prophecy.
God showed me a lot of things regarding Bible prophecy and I wrote it all down in my book, The Bible Prophecy Timeline.
37 prophecies have been fulfilled on the Bible Prophecy Timeline since 2004 and counting and I am working on a new book and video with regards to the Bible Prophecy Timeline that I will be posting in the upcoming months. It will be a book and video that gives the specific timeline for the last days and the opening of the 7 seals.
With regards to the timeline from Adam to Jesus. I could have done like a lot of people have done and put creation at 4011 BC, or 4003 BC just to make the math work. Or even made the claim that Jesus was born earlier or later on the timeline than He was but I was not willing to compromise the timeline and accept a timeline that was fraudulent and not exact to the year.
Some people have said that Jesus was born in 4BC and even 6BC but they are completely wrong and it never made any sense to me.
BC stands for “Before Christ” and how could Jesus be born before himself? I was not willing to accept a fraudulent timeline, so I put it on the back burner.

What I did learn from studying Bible prophecy is that the time from the fall of man to the coming of Jesus in his glory is 6,000 years to represent the 6 days of creation. The 1,000 years reign of Jesus that follows represents the 7th day that God rested which is the Sabbath day.
7,000 years total.
The time from the creation to the fall of man is not a part of the Bible Prophecy Timeline, which is the mystery of God.
It was a time of God’s perfection and before sin and death entered the world.

The fall of man did not happen in the beginning of God’s creation.
Adam and Eve were in the garden of Eden for a long period of time before Eve was deceived and both Eve and Adam disobeyed God bringing sin and death into the world. Again, too much to go into here.

The 6,000 years which is the mystery of God is the time that God has set aside to allow for sin and death to be in the world, 6,000 years and no more. It began with the fall of man, not creation. Time is the delay of God’s final judgment.
That is why I knew the math did not add up because I knew the time from Adam to the birth of Jesus had to be 4,000 years, no more and no less. Although, I still could not make the math work.
I had missed something somewhere and something really important.


Now every year at Christmas there are Christians who will say, “you know, December 25th is not the true birthday of Jesus” and they are right. It is not the true birthday of Jesus.
Centuries ago, it was a day that was designated as a time to reflect and celebrate the day Jesus was born but it is not the actual birthday of Jesus.
Around 336AD Pope Julius declared December 25th the birthday of Jesus but his reasoning was totally flawed and it’s not even worth mentioning here.

The word Christmas stands for Christ Mass. It is a Catholic tradition and holiday that Protestants have come to accept. It is all about tradition.

In the last 100 years Christmas has become so commercialized, so tainted and so polluted even immoral that a lot of Christians have become disgusted with Christmas and with all that it stands for.
The story of Santa Clause and the reindeer. People fighting in stores over merchandise or the disappointment over Christmas gifts that people got or they didn’t get. The immorality of the day that has even put a stain on the nativity scene and the reason for why we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The whole celebration of Christmas has become so worldly that no wonder true faith believing Christians do not want anything to do with it.

I have heard the argument before concerning the true birthday of Jesus in Luke chapter 1 but this past Christmas I was watching some YouTube videos of people who were making the argument of the month when Jesus was actually born according to the Bible in Luke chapter 1.
It is easy to calculate the birthday of Jesus by knowing from scripture when the priests performed their duties in the Temple according to I Chronicles 24:8-17 especially verse 10. In fact, the story of Jesus birth beginning in Luke chapter 1 confirms the true time of Jesus birth.

As you just read in chapter one there were 24 divisions of the priests and each division performed their duties two weeks out of the year from Sabbath to Sabbath in their regular weekly rotation except during the three high holy days when all 24 divisions served together, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, which is the Day of Atonement and Passover.
Remember that because it’s important.

Let me say it again.
There were 24 divisions of the priests and each division performed their duties two weeks out of the year from Sabbath to Sabbath in their regular weekly rotation except during the three high holy days when all 24 divisions served together, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, which is the Day of Atonement and Passover. Yom Kippur which is the Day of Atonement and Passover are the two most holy events on God’s calendar.

Zacharias in Luke chapter 1 was of the division Abia (Abijah) which was the 8th division and he performed his duties in the Temple during the month of June on our Gregorian calendar which is the month of Tammuz on the Jewish calendar.
The Bible says in Luke chapter 1 that the angel Gabriel visited Zacharias during the time he was performing his duty in the Temple to tell him that his wife Elisabeth would conceive and have a baby who would be John the Baptist.
After his time in the Temple was completed. Zacharias went home as instructed by the angel and his wife Elisabeth did conceive to have a baby. This would have been in late June on our Gregorian calendar.
The Bible says Elisabeth hid herself for 5 months.

In the 6th month of Elisabeth’s conception, she was visited by her cousin Mary who had just been visited by the angel Gabriel who told her she would conceive by the Holy Ghost to give birth to Jesus.
This visit would be in the month of January on the Gregorian calendar and in the month of Shevat on the Jewish calendar.

Mary conceived by the Holy Ghost in late December or early January according to Luke chapter 1 and 9 months later in the month of late September on the Gregorian calendar, which in the 7th month of Tishrei on the Jewish calendar, Jesus was born.

After I watched these videos I decided to revisit my research on the timeline. So, I got out my IPad and my IPhone and opened my Bible app to Genesis chapter 5. I began to trace the Bible timeline beginning with Adam just as I had done 20 years ago.
Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born. Seth was 105 years old when Enos was born and so on down to Jacob who is 130 years old when he goes down into Egypt.
Then the 430 years the Hebrew children are in Egypt until the Exodus.
The 480 years from the Exodus to the 4th year of Solomon’s reign when he begins to build the Temple.
When I got to king Zedekiah and the 62 weeks of Daniel, I added up all the years and of course the math had not changed. It didn’t add up.
The math still did not work.

I know from studying Bible prophecy there is no disorder to God’s timeline. I was looking for 4000 years to the year.
Not 4011 years or 4003 years, or any other number of years just to make the timeline work. Again, there is no approximation of time on God’s timeline. The timeline is in order and exactly to the year.
I knew from how the Bible Prophecy timeline reflected the 7 days of creation the number of years had to be exact and I was not willing to compromise the timeline just to make the math work.
The reign of Christ is not 1,003 years or 998 years. It is exactly 1,000 years. The mystery of God that was reserved for the time of sin and death to be in the world is not 5,997 years or 6,010 years. It is exactly 6,000 years to reflect the 6 days of creation. So must the timeline from Adam to Jesus be exact, 4000 years.
God created the world in 6 days and on the 7th day God rested.
Those 7 days reflect the world timeline and the mystery of God that began with the fall of man.
The mystery of God did not begin with creation but it began when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and brought sin and death into the world.
The 7th day that God rested represents the 1,000 years reign of Christ and the 6 days of creation represents the 6,000 years that sin and death are in the world before the mystery of God is finished.
The mystery of God is finished at the 7th trumpet of the 7th seal when Christ comes to rapture his church.
Time, the delay of God’s final judgement is no more.
God pours out his wrath and judgement upon the world.
It is the end of sin and death to the glory of God forever.

II Peter 3:8 says with God a day is a thousand years.

Now You Can Start Getting Just A Little Closer To The Edge Of Your Seat. It’s About To Get Really Good.

After I added up the years and the math didn’t work. I begin to look at those two kings at the end of the timeline in the books of Kings and Chronicles who I had before ignored because I was not interested in the months or days but I was only looking for the years.
I took another look at king Jehoahaz who reigned for 3 months and king Jehoiachin who reigned 3 months and 10 days and those 6 months and 10 days put the time on the timeline right around September on our Gregorian calendar.
Amazing. That would be about the right time that Luke chapter 1 says Jesus was born.
Remember, the Jewish calendar is two months behind our solar calendar and the 6th and 7th month on the Jewish calendar would be sometime around late September and early October on our Gregorian calendar. Keep that in mind.

All of sudden that made since to me.
Because people were making the argument that Jesus was born in late September according to Luke chapter 1. Those two kings and the 6 months and 10 days became more relevant.
Late September and early October are the months when Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles occur on the Jewish calendar.
They are never on the same day each year on our Gregorian calendar but I learned that Rosh Hashanah can be as early as September 5th and the Day of Atonement is 10 days later, which would be September 15th.
In 2013 Rosh Hashanah was on September 5th and in 2018 it was on September 10th. So according to Luke chapter 1 Jesus was born around the time of Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. Sometime in late September.

You Can Now Start Getting Closer To The Edge Of Your Seat.

So now those 6 months and 10 days were getting exciting to me and even though I had not made the math work on the year. I did now have something to go on in regard to the month and day but it wasn’t actually exact to the month and day but it was close.
Remember I told you that God’s timeline is not approximately to the time but it has to be exactly to the time. Close just does not get it.
I was in the ballpark with the month of September on our Gregorian calendar with those two kings but not even close to the day.
A few days after Christmas in 2023 I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep and the timeline just kept praying on my mind. I couldn’t sleep.
Surely, I had missed something on the timeline.
The timeline from Adam to Jesus is based on the lineage and genealogy of Jesus and I had missed something somewhere.
God’s word is perfect and God does not leave anything out.

Then it occurred to me that Matthew chapter 1 gives the complete lineage of Jesus through Joseph. So, I reached for my iPad and opened my Bible app to Matthew chapter 1.

Did I say it occurred to me? Or was it God just keeping me awake trying to show me something important?

When I got down to king Amon and the kings that followed him before the Babylonian captivity. I suddenly realized that king Zedekiah was not there but instead Matthew chapter 1 says they were carried away to Babylon when Jehoiachin was king.

King Zedekiah was not there. HE WAS NOT THERE.


Before when I had traced the timeline, I had not read the complete story in II Chronicles but I was more interested in the kings after Solomon and how many years they had reign to add it to the timeline and that’s all I looked at. Just the kings and how long they had reigned.
So, now I went back to II Chronicles to read the story about what had happened. I found out that when king Nebuchadnezzar came up from Babylon to take Jerusalem. He took king Jehoiachin and his family into captivity and placed king Zedekiah on the throne.

Jehoiachin was the king that had ruled for 3 months and 10 days.

Isn’t that interesting that God would mention the 10 days.
Now think about it. Why would God mention the 10 days?
That’s important and in a minute you will see why.
Again, God does not leave anything out.
King Zedekiah was not even a part of the lineage of Jesus and did not belong on the timeline. In fact King Zedekiah was the uncle to the king and his real name was Mattaniah.
King Nebuchadnezzar changed his name to Zedekiah and put him on the throne after he took king Jehoiachin into captivity.
The Bible says king Zedekiah did evil in the sight of the Lord and he reigned for 11 years. In fact king Zedekiah rebelled against king Nebuchadnezzar and so king Nebuchadnezzar had to come back up to Jerusalem just to remove him.

When I took king Zedekiah and the 11 years that he reigned off the timeline, THE MATH WORKED.

The Math Finally Worked.
It was exactly 4,000 years to the year and what I had been looking for and what I knew the timeline should be.

By the way. Those 62 weeks of Daniel which were 434 years was exactly to the year and just what I needed to complete the timeline to the year and the event of Jesus birth. God filled in the gap.
Isn’t that amazing. It was to the very year.

This was the 3rd gap that God filled in on the timeline, which is remarkable because Daniel was right on the year.
Not just with those 62 weeks but also with the 7 weeks to the year.
The 49 years from the captivity to the return of the Hebrew children to Jerusalem to the rebuild the Temple. Daniel got it to the very year on both accounts. Although, why wouldn’t Daniel get it to the exact year? God had told it to him.

It wasn’t Daniel, it was God. God is in control.
Those 70 weeks of Daniel is proof that God’s word is the divine truth for how else could Daniel have known except God told him.
The timeline puts the Babylonian captivity in the year 434 BC.
The 62 weeks is 434 years. Think about that.

Now Wait. Don’t Get On The Edge Of Your Seat Just Yet.
Hold On, It’s About To Get Good.

So now after 20 years I finally had the exact year and those 6 months and 10 days that put Jesus birth right around the time of Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles in September became more relevant.

Of course, I was excited that the timeline after 20 years had come together. I was telling everyone I knew what I had found and how important this was and I posted the timeline on all my Facebook pages for everyone to see.
This was an incredible find. The timeline from Adam to Jesus was exactly 4,000 years to the year. The math had finally worked.

Now You Can Get On The Edge Of Your Seat.

A week later I’m lying in bed trying to go to sleep and I can’t get the timeline out of my head. The wheels are turning in my mind and it’s 5AM in the morning and I have been up all night trying to go to sleep.
Not because I am excited about the timeline but because there was just something not right about the timeline.

What it was, God would not let me sleep.

I had finally got the years right after 20 years and the math finally worked to put creation at 4000BC. Which means Jesus was born in 00AD but there was just something not right about those 6 months and 10 days. I could not get those 6 months and 10 days out of my head.
I was just not easy about them. Yes, it was close but it wasn’t exact.
Even though the 6 months and 10 days put the time of Jesus birth right around the time of Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets, Yom Kippur which is the day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles.
It just wasn’t right.

I have told you there is no disorder to God’s timeline.
God’s timeline is not round about or close.
God’s timeline is exactly to the year, the month and the day.

So, I grabbed my iPad thinking I have missed something somewhere and I started tracing the Bible timeline again.

Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born. Seth was 105 years old when Enos was born and so on down to Jacob who was 130 years old when he goes down into Egypt.
Then I added the 430 years the Hebrew children were in Egypt according to Exodus 12:40.

I then turned over to I Kings 6:1 to read about the 480 years from the time of the Exodus to the 4th year of Solomon’s reign when he begins to build the Temple.


I had read it so many times before but now I was seeing for the first time what I had missed.

This is what I Kings 6:1 says.
And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the Lord.

DID YOU SEE IT? Let me show it to you again.

And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, IN THE MONTH ZIF, WHICH IS THE SECOND MONTH, that he began to build the house of the Lord.

Remember earlier when I told you to remember that the month of Nisan was the first month of the year.
That’s what God told Moses in Exodus 12:1-2 that the month of Passover, which is in the month of Nisan is the first month of the year.
The month of Zif is the SECOND MONTH of the year.

The Exodus took place in the month of Nisan at Passover when Pharaoh told Moses to take the people and leave and the Bible says they left that same day.

So, 480 years later the anniversary of the Exodus would have been in the month of Nisan and then the second month of Zif would be ONE MONTH LATER.
Why do you suppose God made a point to say in I Kings 6:1, in the month Zif, which is the second month?
Because as I have told you God is specific in his word.
He made a point to say in the month of Zif, which is the second month.

Let me say that again.
God made a point to say in I Kings 6:1 in the month of Zif and then he said, WHICH IS THE SECOND MONTH.

So, It’s Not Just 480 Years But Rather 480 Years And 1 Month.

Now add that 1 month to the 6 months and 10 days of those two kings and you have 7 months and 10 days.


Why is that so significant?
Because in Leviticus 16:29-34 God told Moses that in the 7th month and on the 10th day you are to make a sacrifice for the sins of the people, which is called the Day of Atonement.
The Day of Atonement represents Christ when He would come to die on the cross shedding His blood for the sins of the world.

The 7th month and 10th day. The very reason why Jesus was born.

There It Was On The Timeline From Adam To The Birth Of Jesus, 4,000 Years, 7 Months And 10 Days And Confirmed By Luke Chapter 1.

Why did Jesus come to be born? He came to atone for our sins.

The Day of Atonement is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar.
Jesus was born on the Day of Atonement.
In the 7th month and on the 10th day according to the timeline from Adam to Jesus on God’s calendar and according to Leviticus 16:29-34.

There’s the verse I told you that gives the true birthday of Jesus.
Why would God who is so specific in His word leave out the most important day on God’s calendar, the day His son Jesus was born?


Now wait a minute.
I don’t want you to miss this.
Remember the last king of Judah, king Jehoiachin who God said reigned for 3 months and 10 days?
Remember I asked you, why would God mention the 10 days?
Because the timeline is not only to the year but it is also to the exact month and the exact day. The 7th month and 10th day.

Let Me Ask You Again.
Is it just a coincidence that the timeline from Adam to Jesus is 4000 years 7 months and 10 days?
Or, that God told Moses in the 7th month and on the 10th day you are to sacrifice an animal for the sins of the people, the Day of Atonement?
Or, that Jesus purpose for coming to be born was to atone for the sins of the world?
Or, that Luke chapter 1 puts the timing of Jesus birth on the calendar in late September at the time of the Day of Atonement and in the 7th month?
Or, that Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again on the 3rd day at Passover?

Think About This Again. If God had not mentioned the 10 days with the reign of king Jehoiachin we would not have the exact day on the timeline, the 10th day. Why did God mention those 10 days?
The same thing with the second month of Zif in I Kings 6:1.
If God had not made a point of mentioning the second month of Zif in I Kings 6:1. We would not have the exact month that gives us the exact timeline of 7 months and 10 days that God told Moses in Leviticus chapter 16:29-31.
Also, remember the catch with Noah? The Bible says Noah was 500 years old when he had his 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth.
The Bible list Shem first which would leave you to believe that Shem was born when Noah was 500 years old. Except God clarifies it in chapters 7, 10 and 11 that Shem was actually born when Noah was 502 years old. Those 2 years that God clarified were important to put the timeline exactly to the year.
The same thing with Solomon. Solomon reigned for 40 years but God made a point to say that the timeline from the Exodus to Solomon was in the 4th year of his reign when he begins to build the Temple.
So, we added 36 years to the timeline instead of 40 to give us exactly 4,000 years.

Here is something else to consider. Why do you suppose God made a point to say how old each father was when his son was born from Adam to Abraham?
Or that Jacob was 130 years old when he went down into Egypt?
Also, why would God fill in three gaps with the number of years in each gap?
Or why would God make a point to say how many years each king reigned after Solomon?
How About This.
The timeline countdown from Adam to the Babylonian captivity puts the year at 434 BC when you add up all the years.
The 62 weeks of Daniel, which is the first part of the 70 weeks, is exactly 434 years from the captivity to the birth of Jesus.
That would have to be the biggest coincidence of them all.
There are just too many of them for them all to be just a coincidence.
Is it just too many coincidences, or is it God?
God wanted us to know the timeline for his purpose.

People, do you see how God is alive in the truth of his word?

It’s like I have been telling you, God is specific in his word.
God does not leave anything out or by chance.
Only God in his perfect word could have made all this happen.

Now I want you to completely understand this.
The Bible was written by 40 different authors over a period of 1,500 years. How else do you suppose the 3 months of king Jehoahaz, the 3 months and 10 days of king Jehoiachin and the second month of Zif in I Kings 6:1 were put in God’s word to add up to the 7 months and 10 days on the timeline between Adam and Jesus? The day that God told Moses in Leviticus chapter 16 is to be the Day of Atonement that represents Jesus.
If you could possibly believe that is just a coincidence or that the authors of the Bible were genius enough or even capable of conceiving the idea or thought of what I have just shown you in God’s word.
Then you are just not even capable of understanding who God is or the power of his word.
It is because those 40 authors did not write the word of God but God himself by the Holy Spirit was in control of his word.
Why? Because God had a purpose and a plan and He made it happen.
Peter said in II Peter 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

It is not man that preserves the word of God but it is God himself that has preserved his word. If that does not give you goose bumps I don’t know what will. It is just too incredible.

There is no man alive or any man who has ever lived that could have conceived to write the word of God by their own thought or reasoning except God by the Holy Spirit told them what to write.
Is there any possible way that Daniel could have conceived those 70 weeks without God? Not a chance.

The Feast of Trumpets begins with Rosh Hashanah on the first day of the 7th month of Tishrei that happens 10 days before the Day of Atonement and is to call the people of Israel to repent.
The Jews blow the shofar to welcome the Messiah.
In the year 00AD 4,000 years after God created the world and man.
The Jews began to blow the shofar on the 1st day of the 7th month to welcome the Messiah. Little did they know 10 days later on the Day of Atonement in the 7th MONTH AND ON THE 10th DAY Jesus the Messiah was born.
He was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manager and the angels of heaven sang His praises. 4,000 years, in the 7th month and on the 10th day, just like God told Moses.

Rosh Hashanah means New Year and it is the celebration of Adam and Eve and God’s creation. It only makes sense that the timeline from Adam to Jesus would end at Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles.

Now people, ONLY GOD could have made this happen. There is not a man alive or who has ever lived that could have written the Bible without God telling him what to write.

Now consider this.
The Jews celebrate the New Year of Rosh Hashanah in the 7th month of Tishrei and on the first day, which is the celebration of the creation of Adam and Eve with the blowing of the shofar. Except God told Moses that the month of Nisan is the first month of the year.
Would not God have created the world in the beginning, which would be the beginning of the year in the first month of Nisan?
That’s what God told Moses.
The first day of Nissan would be 1:1
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
John 1:1 In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Here’s the thing.
Eve was not created in the beginning at creation when Adam was created on the 6th day. Eve came much later and was created from Adam’s rib. Genesis 1 and 2.
Is it possible that Eve was created on the first day of the 7th month, which is Rosh Hashanah the beginning of the Feast of Trumpets and is why the Jews celebrate both Adam and Eve on that day.
The Jews could not celebrate Eve in the beginning at the creation of the world and man because she was not there. She was not created in the beginning during the 7 days of creation. Only Adam was created on the 6th day of creation.
In fact, before Eve was created, Genesis chapter 2 says that God gave Adam the task of naming every animal he had created. That must have taken some time. Remember, there were more species of animals during Adam’s time at creation then there are now.
After Adam named all the animals God put Adam to sleep and created the woman Eve from Adam’s rib.

In Genesis chapter 1 verses 26-27 God creates man on the 6th day but God does however mention Eve to say that he created male and female. It is in chapter 2 that God clarifies the creation of Eve as coming much later and that Eve was not created on the 6th day.
Again, God is specific in his word.

On the Jewish calendar both the month of Nisan and the month of Tishrei are considered to be a New Year.

Two New Years? Two beginnings?
The month of Tishrei is the 7th month on God’s calendar.
The celebration of Adam and Eve at Rosh Hashanah in the 7th month is the celebration of when God crated Eve and brought her and gave her to Adam. It is the celebration of the marriage between the man Adam and the woman Eve.

In fact, this is what Adam said when God gave him Eve.
Genesis 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

The number 7 in the Bible is the number of completion, God’s perfect number. When God created Eve, his creation was completed.
God’s creation was not complete until he created woman.
Now I know the ladies will like this part.
That is why the number 7 is God’s perfect number.
God’s creation was complete and perfect when He created woman.
Is it possible there were 7 days of creation when God created the man Agam and Eve was created on the first day of the 7th month.
There’s that number 7 again.

The woman was created to be a help mate to man and it was a part of God’s plan that the woman would conceive and bare children.
Mary would conceive by the Holy Ghost and give birth to Jesus.
Jesus was born of a woman in the 7th month.
It was Eve the woman that was first deceived and brought sin and death into the world for which is the reason why Jesus was born.
To atone for the sins of the world.
To put it into perspective this is the time on the calendar when Jesus was born, so it is reasonable that the Jews would celebrate Adam and Eve during Rosh Hashanah at the time on the calendar of Jesus birth.

It all comes together to paint a beautiful picture.
It shows that God is in control. It’s something to think about.

The Bible timeline not only shows the divinity of God and that God is in control but it also shows the word of God is alive and true.


The two holiest times of the year on God’s calendar depict Jesus and only God could have made it happen that way.

Remember what I told you about when the priest served their time in the Temple. The only time that all 24 divisions of the priest served in the Temple together was at Passover and the Day of Atonement.
The two most holy events on the Jewish calendar and both Passover and the Day of Atonement represents Jesus.

So let me ask you.
Why would Jesus die on the cross, be buried and resurrected at Passover but not be born on the Day of Atonement if both holy days represent Jesus? THINK ABOUT IT.

If the Day of Atonement and Passover both represent Jesus does is it not make sense that Jesus would be born on the Day of Atonement and then he would die on the cross, be buried and resurrected at Passover?
How could it be any other way with everything we know about God and his timing?

If you think Jesus was not born on the Day of Atonement but his birth around that same time was just a near miss. Then you have no idea who God is.

How could Jesus be born around the time of Rosh Hashanah and the Day of Atonement and not be born on the Day of Atonement which represents Jesus? There is no way God could have had a near miss when he is so specific in his word with every detail of perfection.

Each year as the Jews observe Passover, Christians observe the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

Now each year when the Jews observe Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, Christians will be observing the true birthday of Jesus.

That verse I told you that gives the true birthday of Jesus in Leviticus 16:29-34 is confirmed by the timeline and what God told Moses.
In the 7th month and on the 10th day a savior would be born God’s son Jesus. The lamb without blemish who would shed His blood on the cross to take away the sins of the world. The reason for which Jesus was born. God told Moses this would be a statute forever.
What would be a statute forever?
Sacrificing an animal for the sins of the people?

No, the Day of Atonement would be a statute forever because it was the day Jesus was born.

Jesus was born on the Day of Atonement. He died on the cross for the sins of the world at Passover and rose again on the 3rd day.
It didn’t just happen by chance.
That was God’s purpose and God’s plan from the very beginning.
The birth of Jesus would be a statute forever.

Jesus fulfilled the Day of Atonement with his birth.
He fulfilled Passover with his death burial and resurrection.

I believe the reason the true birthday of Jesus is just now being discovered is because Christians are about to go through the fire in the last days as no other time in history.
Christians are going to have to choose between the world and the antiChrist, or the truth of God’s word and the second coming of his son Jesus.
The wrath of God and God’s judgement is about to come down on earth and it is going to be like no other time in history.
We are going to see the gates of hell on earth as we go into the opening of the 7 seals.

I believe it is more important now than any other time in history that Christians understand the truth of God’s word.
Yes, the early Christians were dragged from their homes, beaten, persecuted and even thrown to the lions but they had the apostles and many of them had seen with their very own eyes to witness firsthand the power of God through the miracles of the apostles and Jesus Himself. Many of them to even see Jesus alive again resurrected after He had been crucified.
There were over 500 witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus and you have to know they told everyone they knew what they had seen.
They saw Jesus the word of God in the flesh alive after being crucified and they were eyewitnesses to the miraculous power of God.
They were strong in their belief and faith for what they had witnessed with their very own eyes and they were willing to suffer persecution and even death for what they had seen and knew to be true.

John said in I John chapter 1,
1 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;
2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)
3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.
4 And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.

Peter said in II Peter chapter 1,
16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
17 For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.


Peter goes on to say,
19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

Christians today have the complete word of God made available to them as no other time in history.
Whereas more and more people today doubt and even scoff at the validity of God’s word especially among young people. This discovery of the true birthday of Jesus on the Bible timeline shows the power of the word of God as being alive and true for this generation.
You have seen it with your very own eyes.
If ever there was a time in history that God’s people need something to lift their spirits and give them the courage to face what is soon coming, it is now. Especially when the majority of today’s Christians are lukewarm with affections for the things of the world. Presents under the tree. The traditions of Christmas, which is a lie of Satan.

Yes, we who are true faith believing Christians believe God’s word is true. Although with this discovery in God’s word our faith is made much stronger for what we are about to go through in the last days and for what we can show others why we believe the Bible is the true word of God.

Hebrews 1 says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. We have the evidence within the word of God itself that the timeline proves God’s word is true.

This is a discovery in God’s word for Christians to get excited about that the faith they have in God’s word is real. Verified in time by the truth of God’s word.
The Bible was written over a period of 1,500 years by 40 different authors and that in itself is what makes it so remarkable.
That no one could possibly have controlled the timeline as it was written down in the word of God except God himself is in control of His word and time.

Psalms 12 says,
6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever.

Why did God give us the timeline in his word?
Because it brings the word of God alive by fulfilled prophecy.
Jesus fulfilled 356 prophecies of the Old Testament.
The odds of one man fulfilling just 10 prophecies are astronomical.
It cannot be calculated. Jesus fulfilled 356 prophecies, which means only God.

As Christians prepare to go through the fire in the last days God has given us His complete word we call our Bible. We can hold on to the truth and promise of God’s word as we see God’s word coming alive being fulfilled through prophecy with our very own eyes. Just as the early Christians saw Jesus with their very own eyes and believed.

Jesus told doubting Thomas you believe because you have seen me but blessed are they who have not seen me and believe.

A lot of Christians have a religious belief in God but it is important that you have a faith belief in what you know to be true.
The Bible says that even Satan and his angels believe and tremble.
Satan knows the truth but he denies and rejects what he knows is true.
Faith and believing comes from the knowledge of the truth.
You cannot have faith unless you first believe.
It is not believing that sustains you but rather it is your faith in what you believe that sustains you.

God said in Hosea 4:6 my people perish for the lack of knowledge.
It is the knowledge of the truth that gives us hope.
Peter said to be ready to give an answer for the hope that dwells inside you. How can you give an answer for the hope that dwells inside you unless you have the knowledge of the truth? Jesus is the truth.
It is our hope in Jesus through the word of God that has transformed our lives. This is why we have faith and believe because we know the word of God is true and the evidence we have seen in God’s word and in our own lives we know that God is in control.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Well, we have seen the evidence and it is written down in God’s word.
In the last days many new Bible discoveries are going to be made that was not relevant before in any other time in Christian history except for only in our lifetime. We will see the miraculous power of God demonstrated through his word as we get closer to the second coming of Christ.
It has only been in the last 200 years that the word of God was made readily available to the common man. In the last 100 years the Bible has become the most printed and most sold book in the world, that anyone and everyone who wants a Bible can have one.
That is why new discoveries are being made in the last days.
Scripture that is only relevant for our lifetime because we are the ones who are going to be eyewitnesses to God’s judgement and glory in the last days.
Acts 2 says, 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
18 And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:
19 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke:
20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:
21 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
This is why I am making young people my primary focus in the campaign to celebrate the true birthday of Jesus.
We are losing our young people. Today only 30% of young people claim to have any affiliation with God, church and religion and every year the numbers keep dropping.
Since making this discovery in God’s word it has created a new zeal in my life and faith. Everywhere I go now I am asking people, are you a Christian? Then I share with them what I have discovered.

That should be the mission and ministry of every true faith believing Christian to ask everyone you meet, are you a Christian?

I was holding the door for an elderly lady coming out of a store and she looked at me and said, young man I want to tell you that Jesus loves you.
I said to her and He loves you too. We stood there for a couple of minutes sharing the gospel with one another and it was wonderful.

That is the way it should be.
Everywhere you go ask people, are you a Christian?
If they say yes, well you just met a brother or sister in Christ.
If they say no, there’s your opportunity and chance to share with them the gospel of Christ. Try it. You will be surprised how good it will make you feel to share with someone the gospel of Jesus. Real spiritual joy.

If they say no, all you have to say is I want to tell you that Jesus loves you and that he died just for you. That’s all you have to say.
Jesus loves you and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
Sometimes it just takes an encouraging word and then God gets the glory for the outcome.

As Christians we are called to the ministry of reconciliation. II Corinthians 5:18-21. That means to bring people to Christ.
Proverbs 11:30 says, the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. There is no greater joy for a Christian than to win someone to Christ.
Joy is the second fruit of the spirit after love.
Winning souls to Christ is spiritual joy. It is the fruit of the righteous according to Proverbs 11:30.
Be a soul winner for Christ and God will get all the glory.
To God be the glory. Great things he has done and great things he is going to do.

Here is something else to think about.
Paul said in Romans 10 and 11 that in the last days the Jews will come to Christ and accept Him as their Messiah.
Paul also said that God has blinded their eyes because of their rejection of Jesus but in the last days God will lift the veil from their eyes and they will see Jesus for who He is, God’s son.
The Jews regard the Old Testament as God’s sacred holy word.
The Jews have never seen the timeline in the Old Testament as it has only now been discovered.
The timeline from Adam to Jesus in the Old Testament cannot be disputed. The timeline points to Jesus as the Messiah, God’s son.
Show a Jew the timeline and ask them to explain it. They cannot.
You can be a part of the last days prophecy by bringing Jews to Christ to fulfill Romans chapter 11.

My Challenge.
Winning lost and unsaved relatives to Christ by using the timeline.
The timeline proves God’s word is true. There is no other way to explain it.
The fact that the timeline from the creation of Adam to the birth of Jesus is 4,000 years, 7 months and 10 days and God told Moses in Leviticus 16:29-34 the 7th month and 10th day is the Day of Atonement.
It cannot be explained except only God could have done it.
The Bible was written over a period of 1,500 years by 40 different authors and there is no way any of these authors could have collaborated with one another to write the Bible as the timeline is laid out.
No one can control time, only God.

If you have lost relatives show them the timeline above and ask them, how can this be? Let them try to explain it.
I wrote, “let me ask you”, could all this be just one big coincidence?
Then I wrote, “think about this” and I explained God’s hand in the timeline. Use what I wrote when you show a Jew, a lost friend or relative or an unbeliever the timeline and then ask them to explain it.
No one can except it could only be from God.
You will probably get the same response as I do when I show the timeline to people who are unbelievers and show them what God told Moses. They can’t explain it.

Then you ask that unbeliever, or lost relative, or Jew. Would you like to know this God and Jesus personally? Watch the response.
God will open a door so wide you will be completely amazed.
Try it. Watch how fast you become a soul winner for Christ.
God said in Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee.
Paul said in Ephesians 4:18 that people are alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:
All throughout the Bible the power of God is shown to give true evidence in the divinity of who God is.
The timeline from the creation of Adam to the birth of Jesus is divine evidence of the truth of God’s word. That Jesus is indeed the true son of God in His divinity.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen. We have the evidence of God’s word for what is our hope.
Our hope for eternal life by our faith in the divinity of Jesus Christ our Lord, proven by His divine birth according to the timeline.
The timeline is the evidence of the divine birth of Jesus as only God could have done it.
We do have the evidence in the divine power of God’s word.
That God’s word is indeed true.

CHAPTER 4. The Calendar Debate.
There is a debate among historians to whether there is a year 0 between 1BC and 1AD. Most historians say that 1 BC is followed by 1 AD but that of course is man’s calendar.
God’ timeline found in the Old Testament is not based on man’s marking of time but rather the genealogy of Jesus from the creation of Adam to the birth of Jesus. God’s timeline in the Old Testament is a countdown from Adam to Jesus and it ends with 0.
A countdown timeline from the year Adam was created in 4000 BC to the birth of Jesus would have to end with 0.

The fact is, both arguments are correct.
Here’s the thing. One has nothing to do with the other.
God’s timeline in the Bible has nothing to do with man’s calendar or man’s marking of time. The timeline found in the Old Testament is separate from the AD calendar and here is why.

In 525 AD a Christian monk by the name of Dionysius Exiguus devised the AD (Anno Domini) marking of time to count the number of Easters after Christ. The AD calendar has nothing to do with God’s timeline found in the Old Testament.
In fact, when the monk Dionysius Exiguus devised the AD calendar he did not even consider the Old Testament timeline as a part of his calendar with the marking of time that came after Jesus.
AD (Anno Domini) stands for “in the year of our Lord”.
Dionysius Exiguus began his calendar with the number one going forward from the birth of Jesus.
1 AD being the first year of Jesus birth as in “the year of our Lord”.
The AD (Anno Domino) calendar system is not linked to the BC calendar found in the Old Testament and is irrelevant to the Bible timeline. Dionysius Exiguus was only concerned with the time after Christ and not the time before Christ.
The timeline found in the Old Testament is the true marking of time from the creation of Adam to the Birth of Jesus and has nothing to do with any devised secular calendars that came after.
The timeline found in the Old Testament ends in the 7th month and on the 10th day of the year 0. That is the true calendar on God’s Timeline.
1 BC is the year before Christ and what follows is the year 0.
God ended His countdown timeline with the birth of Jesus.
God did not continue His timeline in scripture after the birth of Jesus, so God’s timeline does not continue with the year 1 AD to begin a new timeline going forward.
On God’s timeline the number sequence would be 1BC which is the year before Christ and then the year Christ is born would be 0.
God’s timeline would not end with the year 1 AD after 1 BC because God’s timeline came to an end in the year Jesus was born.
If the Old Testament timeline was indeed linked to the AD calendar, then the number sequence would have to be 3 2 1 -0- 1 2 3 with Jesus birth in the center at 0.
When you go from negative numbers to positive numbers the sequence is -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3. There is a zero in the middle.
The same would also be true with the marking of time going from BC to AD if both timelines were linked together but they are not linked together. They are both separate. One has nothing to do with the other in the marking of time.
God’s timeline ended with the birth of Jesus at 0 and Dionysius Exiguus timeline began with the birth of Jesus in the year of our Lord at 1 AD. The difference between ending one timeline and beginning another. God’s timeline ended with 0. Dionysius Exiguus timeline began with 1. Jesus said, I am the beginning and the end.

There are some people who claim to be historians, who say Jesus was born in 4BC or even 6BC but they are completely wrong and it does not make any sense. A lie of Satan to distort the truth.
If BC stands for “Before Christ”, then how could Jesus be born 4 years or 6 years before His time? Our marking of time is based on the birth of Jesus.
The fact that Dionysius Exiguus started his AD calendar at Jesus birth with the number 1. How can these historians explain going from 4BC or even 6BC to 1AD? It doesn’t add up. What about the years in between 6 BC and 1AD. Are they just in limbo?

Jesus is the center point of God’s timeline. It all rests on the day Jesus was born. The true birthday of Jesus according to God’s Timeline is 07/10/00 on the Jewish calendar. The holiest day on God’s calendar, the Day of Atonement.

Here is the reason why God’s calendar ending with the year zero is correct and cannot be disputed.
According to the timeline found in the Old Testament the Babylonian captivity took place in 434 BC. The 62 weeks of Daniel is 434 years which means by the countdown from the Babylonian captivity to the birth of Jesus would have to end with 0 and Jesus was born in the 7th month and on the 10th day.

Either way, whether it’s 0 AD or 1 AD at the time of Jesus’s birth.
There are 4,000 years, 7 months and 10 days from Adam to Jesus according to God’s timeline in the Old Testament. That is without debate and cannot be disputed.
Even if there is a debate over that one year whether it should be 0 or 1 AD. The fact remains Jesus was born on the 10th day in the 7th month of Tishrei (September) of the Jewish calendar (God’s calendar) putting Jesus birth on the Day of Atonement. Jesus was born on the Day of Atonement.
The timeline found in the Old Testament is God’s timeline and it is the correct timeline based on the genealogy of Jesus.
Jesus is the center point whether you subscribe to God’s calendar found in the Old Testament or historians calendar that came after Christ. Either way they all point to Jesus.

There are 3 ages of time.
The Old Testament, 4,000 years of God’s Law.
The New Testament, 2,000 years of God’s Grace.
The Age of Glory, 1,000 years of God’s Glory in Christ.

Note: The time Adam and Eve spent in the garden of Eden before the fall of man is a part of the timeline in the Old Testament from the creation of Adam to the birth of Jesus. However, it is not a part of the timeline from the fall of man to the second coming of Christ, which is the mystery of God.

Trace the Bible timeline for yourself. Anyone can do it if you are willing to take the time. It’s in the Bible from beginning to the end just the way God laid it out.
Remember, there are two catches on the timeline, one with Noah and the other with Solomon in the 4th year of his reign.
By knowing the Bible timeline, you will find that the coming of Jesus will become more relevant in your life.

Jesus is coming right on schedule as it is laid out in the book of Revelation and according to God’s timeline just as he planned.
There is not anything on God’s timeline that is by chance because God is in control. God’s word is alive and true all to the glory of God.
God’s timeline began with 7 days of creation and it ends with the 7 seals.
The opening of the 7 seals in the last days is the end of God’s timeline as he brings to a close sin and death forever by the glory of His son Jesus. The mystery of God is finished and time is no more.

Although, that’s a timeline for another discussion found in my book, The Bible Prophecy Timeline; From The Fall Of Man To The Second Coming Of Christ. A part of the “Timeline Series”.