II Timothy 2:15
Study To Show Thyself Approved Unto God,
A Workman That Needeth Not To Be Ashamed,
Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth.

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Our Profession Of Faith

We believe in the verbal inspiration and authority of the scriptures as the preserved word of God called the Holy Bible given to man by God through His chosen servants as they were led by the Holy Spirit, consisting of sixty six books from Genesis to Revelation divided in two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament.
We believe God and not man preserves His holy word.
We believe the Bible reveals God in the Trinity, which consists of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe God is Omnipotent, Omniscience, Omnipresent, Truth, Immutable, Holy, Righteous, Good, Aseity, Gracious, Immanence, Faithful, Preeminent Superior, Just and Eternal with no beginning and no end.
We believe all things were created by God for His glory and without Him not anything exists.
We believe God the Father sits on the throne in heaven transcending time and space and is in control of all things that exist and does not exist for His glory.
We believe God is eternal in His righteousness and holiness and is not capable of sin nor corruption.
We believe Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach, Lesous Christos) is the only begotten Son of God and sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for believers.
We believe Jesus is the word in the flesh, born of a virgin conceived by the Holy Spirit and that while on earth He lived a sinless life, doing the Father’s will, performing miracles and good works proving He was God.
We believe Jesus was born on the Day of Atonement, was crucified buried and rose again on the third day at Passover.
We believe Jesus while on earth fulfilled 356 Old Testament prophecies and therefore fulfilled His claim to be God and one with the Father.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and dwells in the believer as the Comforter for conviction, comfort and guidance and brings man unto God by the convicting power of the Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus by believing in faith through repentance and forgiveness.
We believe in the fall of man through the temptation of Satan bringing sin and death into the world and so sin and death passed upon all men (all people).
We believe the way of salvation is through Jesus Christ by faith and believing being redeemed to the Heavenly Father to receive eternal life.
We believe all men and women are born into sin unto death and that only through believing and the acceptance of Jesus love and forgiveness by faith and repentance through God’s grace can they be saved to receive eternal life, which is the gift of God.
We believe in the crucifixion, burial and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ (Yeshua).
We believe Jesus came to earth for the sole purpose to die on the cross as the supreme sacrifice shedding His blood for mans sins and rose again on the third day giving believers hope for eternal salvation.
We believe Jesus is alive forevermore and holds the keys to death and hell.
We believe through Christ’s love and forgiveness, which He demonstrated on the cross man receives salvation through conviction and believing, accepting Christ’s love and forgiveness through faith by professing Christ with his or her mouth in repentance of sin, believing in the heart that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross shedding his blood for mans sins and that He rose again on the third day, which is our hope.
We believe faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
We believe Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and that no one can come to the Father except only through Jesus Christ and that there is no other way of salvation except through Jesus.
We believe baptism by water is the testimony of the believers profession of faith and that through salvation the believer is baptized in the Holy Spirit through repentance and by the acceptance of Christ’s love and forgiveness, taking on the righteousness of Christ washed in the blood of Jesus, which covers the believers sins.
We believe Jesus fulfilled the law when He laid down His life on the cross shedding His blood for man’s sin and therefore paid the penalty of the law which is death.
We believe believers are no longer under the penalty of the law but are under grace by the mercy of God to receive forgiveness for their sins by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.
We believe Jesus paid the price for mans sins on the cross and that only unbelief in Christ and not sin is the result of eternal damnation.
We believe as believers we are to worship the one true God in spirit and in truth.
We believe as believers we are called to do good works living by faith and walking in the righteousness of Christ.
We believe as believers we are called to the ministry of reconciliation to do the will of the Father and to bring others to Christ.
We believe as believers we are accepted in the spirit to come before the throne of God in prayer through the utterance of the Holy Spirit and by Jesus Yeshua who mediates to the Father on our behalf.
We believe by the word of God and through prayer and fasting the believer is filled with Holy Spirit to receive the power of God.
We believe in the seven gifts of the spirit of the Old Testament in Isaiah 11, which are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
We believe in the nine gifts of the spirit in the New Testament found in I Corinthians 12, which are wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discernment, tongues, interpretation of tongues.
We believe since the perfect word of God has come that the gifts of the spirit which are healing, miracles, tongues and the interpretation of tongues have passed according to the scriptures.
We believe God still performs miracles and healing today but only by the will of God through earnest prayer.
We believe as believers the body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit and as the Temple of God we are to glorify the Father and Son with our bodies, keeping our bodies pure and holy to the best of our ability and by conviction as we are led by the Holy Spirit.
We believe as believers we are to walk in the spirit of God being dead to self in the flesh fulfilling the fruits of the spirit which are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
We believe in the eternal salvation of the believer, whose name is written down in the book of life.
We believe in the the eternal damnation of the unbeliever, who rejected Christ's love and forgiveness because of their unbelief.
We believe when the believer dies he or she are a sleep and in the presence of Christ to wait for the resurrection.
We believe when the unbeliever dies he or she are immediately transformed into hell to await the judgment of God for their unbelief.
We believe Jesus is the Lamb of Revelation chapter 5, worthy to losen and open the 7 seals to open the Book of time.
We believe that time is the delay of God’s final judgment, which is the 7 vials of God’s wrath, which began with fall of man and ends with the 7th trumpet of the 7th seal when time is no more and the mystery of God is finished.
We believe Jesus will come again in the clouds at His second coming to receive his church unto Himself and take those true believers who are alive, ready and watching for His return to heaven with the resurrected saints for the marriage supper of the Lamb.
We believe while the marriage supper of the Lamb is taking place in heaven, the anti-Christ will be on earth during the 70th week of Daniel, which Christians refer to as the seven years of Great Tribulation, reeking havoc and death upon those who do not accept him and the mark of the beast.
We believe those who will resist the anti-Christ and refuse the mark of the beast will be saved during the Great Tribulation washing their robes in the blood of the Lamb.
We believe after seven years Jesus will come back at His third coming with His church setting foot on earth and splitting the mount of Olives in two, breaking the seal of the Eastern Gate and entering Jerusalem to defeat the anti-Christ with a single word.
We believe Satan will be bound with chains and thrown into a pit for a thousand years to tempt man no more.
We believe Jesus will sit on the thrown in Jerusalem in His glory gathering His sheep unto Himself from all over the world and will reign for a thousand years on earth. Time is no more and the age of Glory begins.
We believe after the thousand years Satan is lose and will tempt some men and women to follow him in rebellion against Christ.
We believe Christ will put down the rebellion and that Satan with his followers are thrown into the lake of fire.
We believe the damned will be called before the white thrown judgment of God and will be cast into the lake of fire, which is the second death.
We believe the third heaven will come down and there will be a new heaven and a new earth.
We believe God will rule in heaven for eternity with the holy angels and the saints who are saved believers, who will give God eternal praise and glory.
