II Timothy 2:15
Study To Show Thyself Approved Unto God,
A Workman That Needeth Not To Be Ashamed,
Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth.

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Christian Singles Group.
The Couple That Prays Together, Reads God’s Word Together
And Does God's Will To Wins Souls Together, Stays Together.

We Are Contacting Churches And Advertising This Singles Group Within A 75 Radius Of Chattanooga To Promote This Ministry And To Add Numbers To The Group. The Purpose Of This Ministry Is To Introduce Christian Singles To Other True Faith Believing Christian Singles Who Love The Lord And Want To Serve God.
No Profiles. This Is Not A Dating Site. We Provide Group Activities In A Safe And Secure Setting.
We Screen Our Members To Make Sure They Are True Faith Believing Christians And Are Who They Claim To Be.
The Requirements Are, You Must Be Single, Over The Age Of 21 And A True Faith Believing Christian Involved In A Bible Believing Church.

Read Below The Importance Of This Ministry.

Write To Us.

When You Write To Us Please Include,
Full Name, A Brief Profession Of Faith, Phone Number,
Where You Attend Church. Your Age, City Where You Live.
We Will Not Share Your Information.

Group Activities:
Dinners, Adventure Hiking, Picnics, Concerts, Seminars, Soft Ball, Volleyball, Chocolate Tasting Tours, Game Night, Scavenger Hunts,
Camp Outs, Gold Panning, Lectures, White Water Rafting, Art Museums, Bake Sales, Bowling, Speed Dating, Arts And Crafts, National Parks, Family And Dating Seminars.

Ministry Opportunity:
Bible Studies, Visiting Nursing Homes, Helping Needy People And Families, Children’s Ministry, Revivals, Soul Winning Teams, Prison Ministry, Bible Conferences.

The Discount Card.
We support Christian Business Owners by giving them a place to advertise their business on our website. Most all Christian businesses owners give a 10% to 30% discount to our members. As a member you will receive a Red Card to take advantage of our Christian business owners discounts. It’s another advantage to becoming a member of our Christian Singles Ministry.

This Is An Important Christian Ministry. Church Attendance Depends On It.
The foundation of the church is the family.   Today the family is becoming almost extinct in the modern day society of pop culture.
On a typical Sunday morning from 1955-1958, almost half of all Americans were attending church, the highest percentage in U.S. history.
During the 1950's, nationwide church membership grew at a faster rate than the population to 63.3 percent in 1960.   In the 1960’s most people attended church and Christian singles from the 1950’s through the 1980’s met in church.
If you remember the 70’s and more so in the 80’s, the tide began to change and not for the better with regard to church attendance and the way Christian singles met other people for dating and marriage.
Then came the 90’s with the internet and dating sites began to emerge.   Of course we all now know how that has turned out.   Anyone who has ever been on a dating site has their very own horror story to tell.   It has completely changed our culture and again not for the better.   Social media is having an adverse effect on our young people that is detrimental to their mental health, causing depression and social anxiety and it’s not any better for the older generation.
Today only 21% of Americans attend church regularly and the numbers keep dropping.   More and more Christian singles are finding relationships outside the church and are marrying unbelievers, which leads to divorce, dysfunctional families and young people turning away from God.
Paul said in II Corinthians 6:14, Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
When God created the woman Eve and brought her to the man.   Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
God brought the first man and woman together and the institution of marriage was created.
That's the way it should be still today.

Christian singles today want to meet a potential mate with one major requirement.   They must be a true faith believing Christian who not only attends church regularly but is also dedicated to serving God.

Here Is The Problem.
Where do you meet these people?   Church?
What if you go to a small church with very few single people your age, which most churches are?
Well then, church may not be an option.   Even in large churches it still hard for single people to find someone who is compatible.

Dating sites?   Wrong choice.
Dating sites are not a suitable place for Christian’s singles to meet. They are also very dangerous for ladies and not just for the ladies but for men also.
There are a lot of predators and scammers on dating sites.
You don’t want to have to weed through all the undesirables hoping to meet that one special person, which rarely happens.
There are Christian dating sites but that is not a guarantee the person you are chatting with is a true faith believing Christian just because they checked a box.
The people you find on Christian dating sites are also on all the other dating sites including the bad ones.   There are just as many predators, scammers including married people pretending to be single on Christian dating sites as there are on all the other dating sites.
The sad part is Christian singles are mixing with unbelievers.   Even with people who profess to be a Christian.   Although, that does not mean they are serious about their faith in God.
These are relationships that are doomed to fail.   It is why Paul said not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers.
Christians who end up in a relationship with an unbeliever or even someone who claims to be a Christian will soon become complacent in faith.   Eventually they will drop out of church and before you know it they have stopped reading their Bible, praying or living a Christian life.   It is why church membership and church attendance continues to drop each year.

The family unit is a major cornerstone in the church.
A strong Christian family begins when two Christian singles meet, fall in love, get married and want to raise a family.   Making a Christian home with spiritual values, serving God together in their church and community as true faith believing Christians.   Bringing up their children in the word of God and in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.   Teaching them Christian doctrine that will sustain them in life and in their own decisions to raise a strong Christian family.

So Where Do Christian Singles Meet?
At a Christian singles group just like the one we are organizing and promoting.   We do all the leg work and you reap the benefits.

Here is what you get when you join our Christian Singles Group.
You get to meet hundreds of true faith believing Christian singles who are serious about their faith in God and who are true followers of Jesus.
We are contacting every church within a 75 mile radius of Chattanooga to inform the pastors and church leaders the importance of this ministry and why it is a necessity for their single members.
They understand the need for Christian singles to have an alternative to meet other Christians besides secular dating sites.   They also see it as an opportunity to grow their church membership.
We plan to grow this ministry of Christian singles to the thousands of opportunities to meet that special person who shares your Christian faith.   You will also make lifelong friendships with other Christians that share your beliefs and convictions.
Not only are we contacting churches but we are also advertising our Christian Singles Group in all the major advertising venues.
We are looking for Christian singles who love the Lord and want to serve God.   Christian singles who want to grow in Christ.   Christian singles that want to fulfill their purpose doing God’s will.   You might say we are gathering all the Christian singles together into one net. 
After all, Jesus did say to be fishers of men, women too.

Screening Our Members.   We Do Te Vetting So You Don't Have To.
We do the vetting in order to give our members access to Christian singles who are serious about why they want to meet other true faith believing Christians.
A profession of faith and church attendance is a requirement for joining our Christian singles group.
We screen all our singles to ensure they are dedicated faith believing Christians who are seriously looking for a serious relationship that will lead to a future of marriage. We screen our members to make sure they are who they say they are and that their faith in God is strong.

We do not post profiles of our Christian singles.
All our singles meet in person in a group setting with other Christian singles.
The purpose of this singles group is to give Christian singles the opportunity to meet other Christian singles in a safe and secure setting.