II Timothy 2:15
Study To Show Thyself Approved Unto God,
A Workman That Needeth Not To Be Ashamed,
Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth.

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The Bible Quiz Team.

We invite young people to participate in our Bible Quiz competitions competing with other churches.
We will be studying and quizzing on the four gospels. Participating quiz teams will be given two weeks notice of the book and chapters to be quizzed on and the church and location..

Bible Quiz Rules:
Each quiz team can have up to 5 members on their team.
Alternates may be called at anytime during the quiz to replace team members so that everyone who wants to participate can have an opportunity to be a part of the quiz team.
A total of 40 questions will be asked during the quiz.
The first team member to raise his or her hand, or hit the quiz buzzer when applicable, will answer the question to receive one point for their team.
If there is a tie raising the hand from both teams, or if it is too close to call. Both team members will write down their answer. The team member that answers the question correctly will receive the point. If both team members answer correctly, the point will be divided between both teams.
If there is no tie raising the hand and a team member answers incorrectly. Each team member on both teams will write down their answer to the question on a sheet of paper marked 1-40. A 1/4 point will be given for each correct answer.
The team at the end of the Bible quiz with the most points wins.

The Four Gospels.

Matthew 1-2    Matthew 3-4    Matthew 5-7    Matthew 8-9

Matthew 10-12    Matthew 13-15    Matthew 16-18    Matthew 19-21

Matthew 22-23    Matthew 24-25    Matthew 26-28

Mark 1-2    Mark 3-4    Mark 5-6    Mark 7-8

Mark 9-10    Mark 11-12    Mark 13-14    Mark 15-16

Luke 1-2    Luke 3-4    Luke 5-6    Luke 7-8

Luke 9-10    Luke 11-12    Luke 13-14    Luke 15-16

Luke 17-18    Luke 19-20    Luke 21-22    Luke 23-24

John 1-3    John 4-6    John 7-9    John 10-12

John 13-15    John 16-18    John 19-21

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